
20 Brooke Davis Quotes

"People are gonna label you. It's how you overcome those labels, that's what matters."

"In the end, it all hurts the same."

"I mean, I think about the future sometimes and it scares me."

"Why does everybody lie? The bad guys lie to get into your bed. And the good guys lie to get in your heart."

"I am who I am. No excuses."

"We all can use a little hope sometimes, you know? That feeling that everything is gonna be okay and that there's going to be someone there to help make sure of that."

"And once you lose yourself, you have two choices: Find the person you used to be…or lose that person completely."

"People that are meant to be together always find their way in the end."

"Everybody should have that. A place that makes them happy."

"Let me tell you something about love. It doesn't knock often. And when it does, you have to let it in." 

"If you had a friend that you know you'd never see again, what would say? If you could do one last thing for someone you love, what would it be? Say it. Do it. Don't wait. Nothing lasts forever."  

"I stopped letting boys define me and I started believing in myself."

"I wanted you to fight for me. I wanted you to say that there was no one else that you could ever be with and that you'd rather be alone than without me." 

"I want to give the another chance. But every time I do, I feel like a fool."

"That's what I'm afraid of, not being enough. Not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough." 

"Let's play truth or dare, or maybe just dare, because nobody knows how to tell the truth anymore."

"I'm watching all my friends move on with their lives, and it's like I am stuck here, standing still."

"Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep people away, but to see who cares enough to tear those walls down."

"I used to be a bitch for the sake of being a bitch, but now I'm a bitch for the sake of my friends and family."  

"I thought I knew you. But I guess it's easier to see what we want than to look for the truth. You think you know me but you don't. And that means you don't know what I can do. You see me as someone popular and has all the answers, but that's not true. I may not always know what I'm doing, but I'll try to make things better. And when I make a mistake, because face it, we all do, I promise I'll ask for your help. I can't do this alone, but if you'll take a chance on me, we can do great things together. I promise if you believe in me, I'll find the courage to reach for your every dream."