
20 Love Quotes from Instagram's Mysterious Poet Atticus

Atticus is one of the masters of poetry. His words have the ability to seep into your brain and then sink directly into your heart. 

If you don’t believe me or you’re not obsessed with his poetry yet – allow me to introduce you. Oh, and by the way… you’re welcome.

1. “When it comes to love we are primates, breaking sticks and pointing at our hearts.”

2. “Love is diving head first into someone else’s confusion and finding that it all makes sense.”

3. “I want to be with someone who dreams of doing everything in life, and nothing on a rainy Sunday afternoon.”

4. “Love is throwing yourself into a stormy sea, hoping there are arms to catch you. Knowing that without the leap there is only the safe and lonely shore.”

5. “Put a girl in moonlight and tell only truths, and every man becomes a poet.”

6. “Love could be labeled poison and we’d drink it anyway.”

7. “When I look at you, I find it hard to believe that the whole universe had not conspired to bring you to life. I can’t think of a more beautiful reason for it all to exist than for you in this day.”

8. “My sweet darling, all these tears, this hurt, the pain in your heart, do not fight it anymore. It is a gift, you see, to feel this much. And even though it’s hard, it means you’re alive. With each of these tearful breaths gasped your soul awakens. More alive in the pain, than you were in the numb, you are coming back to me now, my love, lucid in this darkness – so cry aloud, yell, and fall, and I will be here waiting to catch you when the waking up is done.”

9. “True love comes when you lose where you end and they begin and the atoms in your souls forget where they belong and slowly you become pieces of each other too close now to ever be apart.”

10. “Find someone and live in awe of them.”

11. “You and I will be lost and found a thousand times along this cobbled road of us.”

12. “It’s not the fear of losing them that scares us, it’s that we have given them so many of our pieces that we fear losing ourselves when they are gone.”

13. “I promised to kiss her a million times before I died, fifty a day for the rest of my life – so when I was gone she could smile knowing there wasn’t a place on her I missed.”

14. “It was never the way she looked, always the way she was. I would have fallen in love with her with my eyes closed.”

15. “The hardest step we all must take, is to blindly trust in who we are.”

16. “Boys learn too late that being ‘the man‘ is not the same thing as being  a man.”

17. “She was incandescently beautiful, and beauty was the least of her.”

18. “I aspire to be an old man, with an old wife, laughing at jokes from a wild youth.”

19. “A storm was coming, but that’s not what she felt. It was adventure on the wind and it shivered down her spine.”

20. “She flirted with life and life flirted right back with her, as if all the universe came more alive just for her and everything felt her glow. It was in the dew, in the stars, and the colors of the sky – they all shone bright as they could in the hopes to catch her eye.