20 Things I've Learned in My 20 Some Years of Being Alive

I could list all of the simple things I’ve learned in life, such as never use the popcorn button on the microwave unless you like burnt black popcorn. And that chocolate is okay in moderation in times of emotional desperation (or always), and that a smile has more of an impact on a person than you think.

Or, I could list more important things, like making sure to never go to bed angry or to always leave the house with pants on. But instead, I thought I would share with you a few other things I've realized in my 20 some years of being alive.

1. Not everyone is going to like you.

You could be the absolute best person and there will still be someone who doesn’t like you. But that’s okay. That’s not your job to make them like you. And more than likely it’s a problem within themselves.

2. Mistakes don’t define you.

Making a mistake is not the end of the world. It’s taken me a long time to realize this. But we are all human, everyone messes up, you’re not the only one.

3. Don’t let someone else define your worth.

You don’t need a boy/girl in your life to show you that you are worth something. You are perfectly capable of being on your own and still being the very best person you can be. No boy or girl is ever going to prove to you more than you can prove to yourself that you are worthy of everything.

4. You don’t have to have a ton of friends to be happy.

There is no reason to think that having 50+ friends will make you happy. Instead of focusing on the amount of friends you have in your life, focus on the quality of the friendships that you have instead. Your few close friends are your support system.

5. Comparing yourself to someone else is bullsh*t.

YOU ARE YOUR OWN PERSON. You were made how you are for a reason. There will always seem to be someone who is smarter, funnier or better looking than you. But that doesn’t mean you need to beat yourself up about it at every possible moment.

6. Trust your gut.

99.9% of the time it’s telling you the truth.

7. Learn to say no.

We often feel obliged to say yes even when we want to say no. I’m definitely guilty of trying to please everyone, but you need to remember to put yourself first and say no if you really don’t want to do something.

8. Stop apologizing.

Yes there are some occasions that you do need to apologize, but you don’t need to say sorry for every little thing you do.

9. Do things that scare you.

Do things that you wouldn't normally do. I'm not saying risk your life, but do something that scares you. Something that makes you nervous because you will probably look back with a smile and not regret doing it. You will also learn the most out of your comfort zone.

10. Say ‘I love you’ more.

We don't appreciate people as much as we should. We assume they already know they're loved and we don’t have to say it to them. But, you should still say it. Say it to your parents, your roommate, or a close friend. You should let people know how much you care and appreciate them.

11. Take as many pictures as you can.

I’m not ashamed to take pictures at every new place I go or of every new thing I see. I love pictures and capturing the moment. Take pictures, so that you can look back with a smile. Take pictures so that you can remember how happy you were at a certain time. If the memory fades, you will always have the picture to look back on.

12. Have a reason to keep going.

The world is going to push you down over and over and over again. And people will do the same, but you need to always find a reason to get up and keep fighting. Just have a reason because the world is a better place with you in it.

13. Be kind.

Even when you’re angry or frustrated. Even when you are tired and cranky. Even when you least feel like it. Everybody has their own battle ahead of them and you want to be remembered as kind and not an asshole.

14. Your parents are right 99.9% of the time.

That crappy friend they told you about a year ago? They were right. The boy who screwed you over and broke your heart? They were right about him too. You might not always agree with what your parents tell you but they're always right when it comes to finances, relationships, and life. They really do have your best interests at heart.

15. You are not alone.

I spent so many years thinking that I was alone and it's not a way to live your life. In fact, it sucks. So look around you and figure out who's there for you. I guarantee it will be more than you expected.

16. Set aside time for yourself.

Always being around people can get tiring. Set aside a few hours a week for yourself. It really does the body good to relax for a while.

17. Stop complaining.

It fixes nothing. If you don’t like something, change it.

18. Celebrate the little things.

If it's raining outside, go dance in it. If it's snowing, put on a jacket and build a snowman. If it's nice outside, go for a walk. Celebrate life's little pleasures because you'll look back and regret not enjoying them when you had the chance.

19. Time does heal. 

It sounds cheesy but it works. From personal experience, I've learned that how sad you are feeling right now will never last. The feeling of heartbreak will diminish and you will learn to love again. The pain you are experiencing now will eventually fade. Tomorrow is always another day.

20. Your best is good enough.

Find the things that you love and the things that you're good at. Pour your energy into them and realize that your best is all you can do. Your best is good enough no matter what anyone else tells you.

Published by

Maddie Shorkey

Twitter handle: maddie_1519 Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/maddie.shorkey

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