20 Things You Learn When You Date A Guy Who Loves His Dog

PWhen you date someone, you inevitably become involved in his personal world, and vice versa. Your boyfriend is like a package deal. He comes with friends and family, some that you are glad are included in the deal and some that you could easily do without. Sometimes you get lucky and you date a guy who has a dog. Who would not enjoy that package deal? I know I would never complain. In fact, that is a great pick up line. Screw calling me beautiful; just say you have a dog and I am guaranteed to give you my number. However, in all seriousness, there is something wonderful about dating a guy who loves there dog. There is so much to learn from that sort of relationship. Here are 17 things you learn when you date a guy who loves his dog.

1. You instantly know they value relationships. He loves his dog and would never do anything to betray the relationship they have. He will value your relationship the same way.

2. You know he knows how to pick up after someone. So he may as well pick up after himself or you on rare occasions when you are too lazy to do so yourself. But really, there is no excuse for them to be a slob or leave trash/clothes all over the house. He should be use to cleaning up messes by now.

Pin3. There will always be someone else in his life, but that is okay. This means he will understand when you need friend time, for he is used to having someone else in his life as well. But with time, his dog will become a big factor in your life as well so sharing your boyfriend with him will be no big deal, since you’ll want your pup time too.


4. Mandatory photo bombing. But let us be honest, a picture of you and your boyfriend is always cute but add his dog to the picture and you are on a whole new level of cuteness. Couple pictures that include a dog are always better and no one can argue otherwise. 


5. He loves to play. He is used to having to play games with someone to keep them entertained or go running or on walks. He is use to going on adventures with his dog and keeping someone else entertained so he will be good at doing the same thing for you.


6. Third wheels are acceptable as long as they are not human. Going to the park? Bring along the dog. Going to get ice cream? You bet he is coming too. Family part? You got it, the dog is coming with.


7. Not afraid to get dirty. Muddy outside? Oh well, he is still good to go out and hike through the woods. Dirty diapers? They got nothing on cleaning up after his dog. 


8. When he is talking about his“baby,” he will not always mean you. His dog was his baby long before you were, and will therefore always be his baby. This does not mean he does not have room for you too though, you will just always question who he is talking to or about when he says "my baby".

9. He is responsible. After all, vet bills are not cheap and taking care of a four-legged friend is never easy. You have to be responsible in order to keep someone else alive along with yourself.


10. Loyalty is a guarantee. He will be just as dedicated to you as he is to his dog. You will be his one and only. Well number one and only human that is.


11. He is use to sharing his bed. You will not have to worry about him taking up the entire bed. He is used to having company when he sleeps and knows how to sleep in the small space provided for him. However, when you stay at his house you will not only be fighting him for space, but his dog as well. However, it is okay, usually this means you get half, the dog gets half, and him. Well, he usually gets the couch.


12. He has plenty of friends, but the only one whose approval really matter is his best friend. Who yes, has four paws. Of course, he wants all of his friends to like you, and wants you to like them in return but that is not realistic. The only opinion that really matters to him is that his dog likes you and well you like his dog in return. 


13. Selflessness. He knows how to put someone else first. You will never have to worry about him being selfish in the relationship. He will always look at what is best for you and the two of you as a couple rather than himself. He has had years of experience with making sure someone else was cared for and making decisions with their best interest at heart.


14. You will always wonder whom he loves more, but will not care as long as you get to play with his pup, too! After all, if the relationship gets serious it is easy to say that his dog will become your dog too and pretty soon you will be questioning who you love more.


15. He is open to starting a family, since he has already started one of his own.  His love for his dog shows  a lot. First off, it shows that he is open to having pets. Hopefully, the more the merrier. However, it also shows that he is open to starting a family or expanding on the one he has already started. He is use to caring for a little one already, so a few more in the future that stand on two legs instead of four should not be too scary of a thought for him.


16. When he tells you he wants some “alone” time with you, chances are you two will not be alone. His dog is guaranteed to barge into the room and try to jump up in between you.Pin

17. He is use to commitment. He is committed to his dog; he cares for him and loves him unconditionally. Chances are he will do the same for you. 

18. He knows how to put someone else first. He is use to putting his dog before himself. He makes sure he is fed first and taken care of before he does anything of his own. He will do the same for you.

19.You do not have just one, but two cuddle buddies. Chances are his dog will want to be right in between the two of you when you are cuddling. This means you get to not only cuddle with your boyfriend but his dog as well.

20.When he is busy while you are over, you will not be left without company. If he has something he needs to do around the house, or outside while you are over you do not have to worry about being left alone. You will always have his dog as company and to cuddle with when he is busy with other things. 

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Just your average 20 year old college student, trying to find myself one article at a time. I'm a professional napper and avid coffee drinker, with a side of crazy cat lady.  Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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