21 Things You'll Only Relate to If Nice Guys and Sweet Gestures Make You Gag

So, in theory, you want a nice guy. You know that a nice guy will make life easier and won’t bring drama into your daily life. You know he’ll be a gentleman and treat you the way you should be treated. Nice guy equals nice life, right?

But the thing is, when they come along you just can’t make it work. After just a few weeks (if that) can’t stop avoiding them. You’re rolling their eyes as you ignore their texts. All their sweet gestures make you gag and as messed up as it is, you just wish he’d have his moments where he’s a dick. 

You know it’s messed up, but it’s just who you are. Maybe you’re too stone cold and cool for him, maybe you just can’t accept kindness because you’re afraid to trust that it’s for real. Either way, you constantly find yourself doing these things:

1. If he seems genuinely interested in you, you question his motives in every way possible.

Why does he care so much? What’s his deal? Is he writing an article on me? Is he planning to murder me? What’s wrong with him?

2. He offers you his coat or offers to pay for your coffee, and you can’t help but say no so abruptly it’s almost rude. 

NO! I hate coffee, I love being cold. Leave me alone. I feel suffocated.

3. When a guy texts you too often you assume he has absolutely no life.

Because God forbid anyone is actually super into you. 

4. You like when guys make fun of you, but you probably don’t admit it.

He told me my outfit was weird, and then he smiled at me. It’s love. 

5. You start to wonder if you actually do like games.

You hate anything and anyone that comes easy…where’s the challenge?

6. You want a nice guy but can’t find one that hasn’t annoyed you with their kindness.

Your worst nightmare is going back and forth with him “No you decide where to eat!” “No, you!” 

7. You love romantic comedies where the leads don’t even like each other at first. 

At first, they literally cannot stand to be around each other, then all of a sudden they’re in love. It makes absolutely no sense, but somehow you’re like “THAT IS THE CUTEST THING EVER.”

8. You don’t want a complacent guy because you don’t want to feel like the dominant one all the time.

Relationships should be equal, but if someone lets you decide everything it gets old. There needs to be a balance.

9. You tended to have crushes on the bullies in TV shows.

“Like omg did you see him put that kid in the locker, he is so strong!” Swoon.

10. You cringe when guys use emojis.

Sending you that heart emoji? Not cute. Never will be.

11. You’re told you have horrible taste in men.

…all the time.

12. You are embarrassed by PDA and grand gestures. 

You literally get second-hand embarrassment when a guy does something cute for a girl in public. SO awkward.

13.  You have too many deal breakers.

Texting you good morning the day after a day isn’t what most people consider a deal breaker…but for you? It’s one of your biggest.

14. You understood Selena’s love for Justin. He’s a bad boy, but he’s also slightly good. 

He’s a unicorn.

15. You don’t find nervousness endearing. 

Nervous joking on a date is like nails on a chalkboard.

16. If he performs any acts of chivalry you feel oppressed.

“I can open my own doors!” 

17. You consider most romantic gestures cheesy.

Flowers are just gonna die and make a mess in the process. You can buy your own jewelry and candy too. Oh, and you know how to cook dinner for yourself. What is this, a sitcom? A mushy romance novel?

18. If a guy is polite and sweet, you find another flaw to focus on.

He’s nice and all but his eyes are a little far apart, ya know?

19. You’re probably single right now.


20. You probably have thought of a couple guys you’ve turned down while reading this.

Even you have to admit, you can be a little brutal sometimes.

21. You’re thinking “Man, I gotta get my shit together.”

Best thing to do is realize you are worthy of kindness, and just because a guy is sweet doesn’t mean he’s a pushover or nerdy or desperate or weird, or any of the other weird things we put on them to avoid the sting of their affection. 

Easier said than done, but you’ll never know how great someone might be for you unless you give them a REAL shot.

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