Being sassy is a lifestyle: you didn’t choose the sass, the sass chose you. It’s not a quality everyone can appreciate, but you know it’s much more of a blessing than a curse.
Sometimes, though, there are just a few things you wish the less sarcastically-inclined understood.
1. You’re simply not going to coddle another adult who is perfectly capable of dealing with life.
2. There is no greater frustration than that of brilliant jokes wasted on people with no appreciation for sarcastic subtleties.
3. Sass is like word vomit. Your mouth gets ahead of your brain and things just tumble right out, not that you really mind.
4. You are well aware that it is not your job to only tell people what they want to hear.
5. The longer you hang around people who aren’t as sharp as you, you can literally feel the sass skills just wasting away.
6. People have a hard time reading you because they never know for sure whether you’re being serious or not.
7. If people can’t handle some honesty or constructive criticism, your only advice is to please toughen up before leaving the nest again.
8. Dating isn’t really a thing because you’re still waiting for someone who can actually keep up with you.
9. You refuse to take responsibility for other people’s feelings.
10. You have a knack for turning painful situations into hilarious ones. It’s a very delicate skill set.
11. Sugarcoating is just not a thing.
12. But contrary to popular belief, you do actually have feelings.
13. Sass does have a purpose, you may be a little too blunt, but you only want the best for people. Doesn’t anyone still value honesty?
14. It’s really adorable when someone tries to out-sass you.
15. You’re not stuck up, you just don’t put up with anyone’s nonsense.
16. RBF is just a part of the package.
17. When someone says you’re being sassy, you take it as a compliment.
18. You dish it out, but you can also totally take it. You literally wish someone would give you a challenge now and then.
19. You don’t waste time on anything, which means you’re the best friend anyone could ask for. Loyal. To. A. Fault.
20. Sass is a full-time job, meaning the sassy pants never come off.
21. Zero tolerance for idiots. Period.
22. Most importantly, if they don’t understand sarcasm, sorry (but not really) you just can’t be friends.
For more from rc, visit her writer’s page here.