Don’t get me wrong, I love a good buffalo chicken dip and a day spent in front of the TV with friends, just not every Sunday for six months straight. But we love our guys so we do what we can to keep them happy.
From talking about fantasy football leagues, Sunday night football parties, buying team-logo beer cans, we basically deserve a medal for all the things we do from September to February.
He’s constantly on his phone checking his fantasy league
Or in the group chat with his friends about their fantasy league
Nudging you and laughing “I’ve got the best league by a long shot”
You see things like ‘Vick in a Box,’ and ‘Hernandez’s Not-So-Tight-End’ pop up on his phone
But no worries, it’s just the name of his league, doesn’t he make you proud?
Football is officially his number one priority for the next 6 months
The well-being of his players > you
He can’t remember the date that’s been planned for the last month
But he can tell you the date and time for his team’s game 2 months from now
His attire consists of mostly apparel with his favorite team’s logo
And if he sees even a baseball cap of yours with another team on it’ll get thrown out
But hey, at least he’s passionate about something, right?
If you can’t find him, he’s probably at a sports bar
You can kiss those lazy Sundays watching Netflix on the couch goodbye
And any plans you had because watching his team play is a must or he loses his shit
You’ll hear “Get dressed the game starts in 15” more than you’d like to admit
The bills start consisting more of beer and wings than any other time of year
And the fridge is stocked with snacks and sodas at all times
If the TV is on at home, you can guarantee it will be on ESPN
You’ll never wonder if his team won or lost
Because his mood is the biggest tell
Oh, and whether or not you’re getting laid that night
He’s basically moody af from September to October
All in all, football season has a lot of pros and cons, but honestly, does it get any better than spending hours with your guy watching something he’s so passionate and spirited about?