27 Struggles Short Girls Understand All To Well

No I'm not a munchkin, short stack, or shorty—well maybe I'm just a bit of a shorty but you have no right to call me that—but I do have a life just like everyone else even though most of my ups and downs are downs.

Here's 27 things all short girls/guys know to be true.

1. We Are Not An Armrest

I promise you our head is not an arm rest.


2. Hugs

Can I just say I didn't choose to hug you, you hugged me so no I did not intently put my face in your breasts.

Side note, nobody made you awkwardly bend down like that either.

3. Tailor Bills

If you short and don't fit the small sizes, you’re going to be heading to the tailor a lot and that bill sure adds up.

4. Jeans

All your jeans have to be tailored unless you’re in a store that magically has short length jeans available.

5. Pictures

You know your place. Your always in the front and if all your friends are tall you feel bad they all have to squat down to fit in.

6. Heels

Many short girls wear heels to look taller but I hate them. They're uncomfortable causing me to be forever short.

7. Dresses

Dresses are great. You look fancy and nice. The only problem is 8 out of 10 times that dress is going to hit at a funny height.

8. Shorty Shorts

You’re a teen and shorty shorts are all the rage. Only problem is you can't find any like that. Everyone you try is longer than you want so you have to wear them like high rise shorts.

FYI high rise shorts should be your bff.

9. Dating

If your super short or your date is super tall, on your first date you might hear "awhh your so small & cute" or "You’re so small you'd look like my kid."

10. Getting Taken Seriously

Some might just find your stature just too cute to take you seriously. They look at you more in a childish light.

11. Wearing Long Shirts or Cardigans

My grandma always said wearing a top that was longer than your waist just made you look even shorter.

12. Getting Things Off The Top Shelf

It's honestly pretty embarrassing to ask someone else to get stuff off the top shelf sometimes so we just climb on it and get it ourselves. I mean we've had practice at home climbing on top of our counter tops.

We've become excellent climbers to say the least.

13. Kissing

If your significant other is a lot taller than you, let's just say kisses can be awkward…

Your either on your tip toes or they're going to get a crick in their neck depending on how long your makeup session is.

14. Tall Boots

Tall boots are meant to hit below the knee but on us sometimes they really hit right below our knee or on top of it.

Don't even get me started about the next trend of thigh high boots.

15. Clothes in General

Who wants to be in high school still shopping in the little kid section? No, no one does.

16. Chairs

Either were on top of the chair to get something off the top shelf or we look like a child with our legs inches away from the floor.

17. Height Minimums

Yes, you can be a teen or adult and still be too short to go on rides.

We don't want to talk about it.

18. Keeping Up With Your Friends

Being the short person in the group you’re the reason everyone has to walk slow. Your legs are just too short to keep up.

19. Tip Toe

Someone tall in front of you? You're at a concert and not in the front row? You and your significant other (who's much taller than you) are about to kiss?

It's time to get up on those tip toes.

20. Sore Necks

Whether we're looking up at someone to talk or on our tip toes searching through a crowd for someone we're going to end up with a stiff neck by the end of the night.

21. Gas Pedal Stretch

Testing driving cars is the worst.

Every time you get into a car that isn't yours your stuck there for what feels like 5 minutes or more waiting for the seat to move forward enough for you to reach the pedals.

22. Sitting Behind Someone Tall

Whether it be in class, at a concert, or the movie theater this has to be the worst disadvantage of being short.

It takes away all the fun of enjoying something when you’re constantly trying to figure out which side of the person's head has the better view of the screen/concert/professor.

23. Mistaken As A Teenager

I promise I'm way over 21 ma'am. I know my size makes me look young… You know what forget it, here's my ID.

24. Cooking

Cooking should be a fun activity, but when your short, you spend half your time climbing on your cabinets or chairs to get something you need.

25. Bathroom Mirrors

When bathroom mirror selfies were a thing, it was short people's worse nightmare. All you'd ever see was half our face if you didn't just see our forehead.

26. Capris

I love capris. They are my go to during the summer time but I only have two pairs. You know why?

Because I'm short, that's why. Capris fit like regular sized jeans are supposed to fit. Once in a blue moon (and a lot of searching) do I find a pair that fits like capris were intended to.

27. Pools And There Deep Ends

Every end of the pool is deep to us. As soon as the shallow end starts to slope our heads are slowly starting to go under water.

If you want to read more of CJ’s stuff go to her contributor’s page here. You can also connect with CJ on her Facebook.

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A teacher in training where my family, friends, and faith are most important to me. Twitter handle: @CalaThoughts Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/CalaWThoughts/?skip_nax_wizard=true

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