At first glance, February doesn’t have a whole lot to offer. It’s short, contains an over-commercialized holiday, and was probably the most confusing month to spell as a kid Add some fun to some or all of the 28 days this month by celebrating one of these non-Valentine days.
February 1- National Get Up Day
That goal that you’re about to give up on? Give yourself a renewed sense that you can do it… and then do it. Take a good look at how successful your New Year’s resolutions have been so far and rewrite them if you have to.
February 2- National Groundhog Day
At least we still have one thing to believe in (whatever, Tooth Fairy and Santa). Whether or not he’s actually right, you know you are just a little curious to find out if he sees his shadow.
February 3- National Wear Red Day
This day was created in support of the American Heart Association. Plus, it’s a scientific fact that people are believed to be more attractive when wearing red. Win-win.
February 4- National Thank a Mail Carrier Day
They might bring your bills, but they also bring your packages and magazine subscriptions. Slip a note in your mailbox thanking them for what they do.
February 5- National Shower With a Friend Day
What happens in the shower, stays in the shower. Or maybe moves to the bedroom.
February 6- National Frozen Yogurt Day
The fro-yo trend may have died down like 2 years ago, but any excuse to load up on some of that creamy goodness with a pound of toppings is a good one.
February 7- National Send a Card to a Friend Day
It doesn’t have to be a Valentine’s Day Card. A nice little note with an inside joke or thoughtful message will make someone’s day.
February 8- National Kite-Flying Day
If it’s too cold outside where you are, channel your inner child and play a board game, or actually fly a kite if it happens to be nice enough. You could also stay inside and watch some Mary Poppins. Or read Kite Runner.
February 9- National Bagel Day AND National Pizza Day
Any excuse to eat all the carbs. Plus, some places might do free or discounted bagels and pizza!
February 10- National Cream Cheese Brownie Day
You could add cream cheese frosting to dirt and it would taste amazing. Make yourself a batch of brownies.
February 11- National Make-a-Friend Day
That seemingly cool chick who lives down the hall or sits behind you in class? Now’s the time to strike up a conversation!
February 12- National Plum Pudding Day
Do people actually eat this? Do yourself a favor and just pick up a box of instant chocolate/vanilla/pistachio pudding. Holidays are the best when you have your own traditions.
February 13- National Clean out Your Computer Day
Those old pictures of you and your high school ex? DELETE THEM ALREADY. 5,200 unopened emails? Time to get rid of them.
February 14- National Organ Donor Day
Other things happen on the 14th! If you aren’t already registered to donate your organs in case something happens, consider it! Having the ability to potentially save another person’s life is amazing.
February 15- Singles Awareness Day
AKA go out and buy all the clearance Valentines Day candy day…whether you are single or not.
February 16- National Do A Grouch a Favor Day
We all know one or two of these people.Help them out with something, and it could be just what was needed to turn their frown upside down.
February 17- National Cabbage Day
Try a veggie you haven’t tried in a while but haven’t been too fond of ever. You never know…Plus, I promise you can wash the taste out of your mouth tomorrow.
February 18- National Drink Wine Day
Not much different than any other day, really
February 19- National Mint Chocolate Day
Take it in whatever form you like it.
February 20- National Love Your Pet Day
Give some extra special attention to that pup, kitten, fish, or whatever critter you may have.
February 21- National Sticky Bun Day
Sounds like a great excuse to eat a brunch-type meal…even though it’s not the weekend.
February 22- National Margarita Day
You know what to do. This month just keeps getting better. (See February 24 and celebrate them together)
February 23- National Toast Day
The best part about this day is that you can eat the toast however you like it. Peanut butter and pomegranate seeds (personal fave), Nutella, butter, straight up dry crusty bread? The world’s your oyster…or toaster.
February 24- National Tortilla Chip Day
Perfect with some queso and those margaritas!
February 25- National Chocolate Covered Nut Day
Just don’t mistake the chocolate covered raisins for peanuts. Buzz-kill.
February 26- National Tell a Fairytale Day
Have yourself a Disney movie marathon.
February 27- National Polar Bear Day
YouTube “Baby polar bears.” No disappointment.
February 28- National Floral Design Day
Especially if you had no reason to celebrate Valentine’s Day, go pick yourself up a bouquet of pretty flowers. You deserve them.