3 Drinking Games to Help You Survive Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is probably one of the most underrated holidays because there are no presents, sometimes the food just doesn’t live up to expectations, and it’s the first time you’re coming home from college to spend time with the fam. But this year instead of dreading the unnecessarily intrusive questions and pretending your Mom’s cooking is the best you’ve ever had, I challenge you to have fun at your thanksgiving gathering!

And I have just the games to kick off the start of the holiday season, no matter what your family traditions are.

For the Parade…

Have a drink each time…

You hear the word “Macy’s.”

You’re bored.

You hear a news anchor say “New York.”

You have no idea what’s going on.

You see someone who looks really cold.

Someone asks if they missed a certain float/show/balloon.

You see someone embarrass themselves on a float.

And of course when you FINALLY see Santa.


For the Football Game…

This one is a little bit more complex, with shots, sips, and a chug!

Kickoff – take a shot

(Your team) Fouls – take 3 sips

Blocked Pass – take 2 sips

(Your team) Intercepts – take a shot

Injury time out – take 5 sips

Player drinks Gatorade – take 1 sip

(Opposing team) Touchdown – take a shot

(Your team) Field Goal – take 5 sips



For Dinner…

Anytime someone says one of these, take 3 sips from your glass! If you say one of these things, take 6 sips!

“Do you have a boyfriend yet?/Are you still single?”

“Pass the gravy.”

“Is this gluten-free?”

“Cranberry sauce.”

“I’m thankful for…”

“Pass the wine.”

“Green bean casserole.”

“What’s for dessert?”

“Food coma.”

“I have to unbutton my pants.”

“Who’s going Black Friday shopping?”

“Pumpkin pie.”

“Are you drunk?”

Play these games with your family, or even alone, and your Thanksgiving is sure to be a blast! It’s right around the corner so start stocking up on the booze! 

Remember to drink responsibly, eat plenty of food, and enjoy the company of your loved ones. Don’t forget the real meaning of the holidays!

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Published by

Megan Bayne

A 22-year-old Jersey girl living it up wherever life leads me next. I transform my inspiration to yours. Twitter handle: MeganLynne29 Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/MeganLynneB/

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