3 Truths I've Learned as a Massage Therapist

What are some of the first things you envision when you think about a professional massage? A beautifully tranquil room, soft candles and ambiance music, a heated table with soft sheets, and a complete stranger who you’ve never met before that’s going to massage your naked (but covered) body. Having worked in the massage world for over a decade now, there have been some exquisitely hard truths and life lessons learned along the path to rubbing down strangers for their mental well-being.

Lesson number 1: NEVER be ashamed of your body.

As a massage therapist, I have seen all different body types, and learning about different shapes through touch as taught me that everyone is unique, and it’s a beautiful thing. There were always two types of heavier people: those that would apologize for having extra weight, and those that would own it. It was the people that were confident with how they looked that I admired the most, because confidence is a powerful thing. Who cares what you look like? As long as you love yourself, others will too.

Lesson number 2: EVERYONE has a story, and we should remember that.

Working to ease tension out of someones body lets you sometimes connect with them, and they’ll tell you things they wouldn’t normally talk about. I have worked with more than one person who I never would of expected to have experienced so much in their lives, especially hardships and tragedies. As humans we tend to judge people by how they look and speak, so it’s been eye opening to re-learn how to move past what we initially perceive and keep an open mind about everyone. No ones life is perfect, so before you brush someone off, remind yourself that there’s always so much more to a person than meets the eye.

Lesson number 3: NEVER stop fighting for your mental well-being, because stress will eventually kill you.

I have witnessed so many clients that have let stress become a normal part of life, that it broke my heart every time that something as simple as a massage could have such a profound effect on them. Stress can be easily managed, you just have to want to do it. Learn how to ease tension by simply breathing, or find that one thing you love to do and just do it. If you ever feel that stress is corrupting your mind, remind yourself that we control of how we feel more than we think we do. Empower yourself to go after your own version of zen. 

Published by

Katelen Kinghorn

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