3 Ways the Mentally Strong Woman Doesn't Let Negativity Affect Her Life

It seems that, despite our attempts to lead more positive lives, negativity creeps in. By negativity, I mean thoughts and feelings that affect your happiness.

We're often dealing with people who have certain effects on our happiness. Some people carry an aura of happiness that cheers us up. Others carry an aura of negativity that just seems to cause you to feel down whenever you're with them.

An important skill to have is to be able to deal with people that tend to bring you down. This involves being able to maintain a positive mindset, even in the face of negativity.

This is similar to how truly confident people have the ability to remain confident in themselves, even when it's being tested. A confident person does not rely on superficial things, such as money or status, to bring them fleeting moments of confidence. Similarly, a truly positive person does not let the words or actions of a "Negative Nelly" ruin their day.

Positive people share certain traits that help them deal with negativity:

1. They don't get caught up in the moment.

2. They don't take things personally.

3. They know how to stay calm.

Published by

Haresh Kapadia

Just a 23-year-old writer from NJ. Coffee addict, cat lover, and music junkie. When I'm not writing, I'm probably eating a good meal. Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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