4 Reasons Why Summer Camp is so Important

With the start of summer almost here, most of us are either continuing to work our butts off or taking a nice, relaxing vacation with family and friends. As I think about the upcoming summer, I began to realize that for the past 9 years my summers have consisted of working at summer camp. Now, I know that sounds absolutely crazy and after this article, you will probably think I'm crazy as well. But overtime, working at a summer camp has taught one thing in particular… to not care what people think about you.

Now, I have many reasons why summer camp is so important, but for your sake, I have narrowed them down to 4…which was pretty difficult. 

1. It gets you out of your comfort zone.

When I was growing up, I was absolutely TERRIFIED of the outdoors and when I reflect on my life today, it seems pretty bizarre. During barbecues with family and friends, I would be the only child inside eating my food because of the bugs. Also, I would get into so much trouble with my mother because I would throw a fit about leaves flying around and landing on me because I THOUGHT they were bugs! Needless to say at 26 years old now, my family still talks about that story. They find my laughable, but they are also very supportive. However, at 18 years old I had the experience of a lifetime during my first summer as a counselor. I went on hikes, camped outside on a bridge, and learned how to build a campfire. I was taken completely out of my comfort zone, and I haven't been back since.

2. You develop life-long friendships

I have met a lot of people over the years, from elementary school, middle school, high school, and college, and I have many friends. More than I ever thought I would have in my lifetime, mainly because of how shy I was..and still am to this very day. A huge thank you to my two best friends from high school who got me out my comfort zone, to begin with. But anyway, the majority of my friends, who have seen me at my lowest points and highest points; the ones who have walked with me through life's failures and successes, have been my friends from camp. I can count two hands, friends from high school and college who have been there as well. But, there is something very rare and very special about camp friendships, and I hope you get to experience it as well. 

3. You get to be a part of something much greater than yourself.

We as humans sometimes have the mentality of, "It's all about me." "It's all about my plans, my goals, my future." Now, don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with that! It's how we've been wired as people. But camp has not only changed my life in amazing and drastic ways, but it has shown me the value of life and what it has to offer. I've worked at a Christian summer camp with The Salvation Army since I was 18, and we get children from underprivileged homes and rough backgrounds and we have exactly one week to watch over them, protect them, and love them. When I thought my life was so bad, a child showed me that it wasn't. They helped me find value in the life I've been given and helped me find a purpose. 

4. A once in a lifetime experience can become a lifelong experience.

I never once in my life thought I would have a career in summer camp ministry. I had dreams and aspirations once I graduated high school, to play basketball for USC and then work for the justice department… "surprise, surprise, that didn't work out." But that step out of my comfort zone completely altered the course of my life forever. I began to realize that my heart and passion for the things I once loved so much and found fulfillment in were gone. I found my heart and passion in the things I once found fear in. How about that for a plot twist?

For those of you who have no idea what you are doing this summer, I encourage you to look at some summer camp opportunities. Whether you go to a Christian summer camp or a non-Christian summer camp, I promise you that you will have the experience of a lifetime. This is my heart and my passion and I hope that it can be the same way for you as well. 

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PuckerMob Staff

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