
4 Unconventional Essentials for Festival Usage

With festival season just around the corner, it’s likely that you’ll be thinking about taking a little trip somewhere in the near future. With so many festival options open to you today, it can become quite tough to work out when and where you would like to go.

Unsure of where to start? Then think about what you might want to take with you. To help make festival packing a little more creative this year, though, here are some rather unconventional assistants that you could take with you to make festival season even better.

1. Water Infuser

While not for everyone, it’s a good choice to bring a water infuser with you to give your drinks a little more jazz. So long as you can bring some easily stored fruits with you that can maintain their coolness and avoid the heat of the sun, you can enjoy the power of water infused tastes. OK so most of your drinks during a festival are going to be alcoholic, most likely, but it’s important to at least maintain a modicum of hydration during those party hours!

2. Pillow Casing

Trying to pick too much by bringing a pillow, inflatable or otherwise? Then bring a pillow case. Simply fill this with the clothes worn the day before and you can make a nice comfortable pillow for night without filling up your bag with an excess. It’s easy to bring too much, but this is a space-effective solution that works and can help to reduce the amount of space used.

3. Tape Solution

Bringing emergency tape for fixing everything from a tent split to working as a temporary solution for repairing a broken item can be a must-have at a festival. Wrapping some onto a bottle of water and leave a small bit to pull at to release and use again during the festival can be a good place to start. It’s something a little over the top, but you never know when you might need to do a few repairs!

4. CBD Oil

While everyone else is bringing sunscreen and trying to keep their skin safe, you can go one better and bring some CBD oil. Not going to get you stoned or anything of the sort: it’s good for the body, though, and makes a smart and effective decision to bring some with you. Don’t use it instead of other things like sunscreen, but make sure you can bring some with you if you are able to get your hands on some – vitality during such an exciting time away is very important!

With each of the above, you should find it a little easier to live a more comfortable existence at the festival. Not everyone will want to use each of the idea above, but they can all act as rather easy ways to make sure you can have some fun when it comes to your festival without leaving anything you may need behind.