Vocal coaching can assist singers in building a better voice through lots of practice, proper breathing, posture and utilizing specific singing techniques. There are other benefits that voice lessons offer those who learn, including more confidence, compassion, and advanced communication skills. The rewards that stem from hiring and practicing with a voice coach can actually benefit many career paths, not just those of singers. Here we will take a look at 5 specific and alternate careers to a Singer that can learn a lot from working with a vocal coach.
Teachers can actually find great reward in working with a vocal coach. Teaching in general, you will learn how another teacher does the job that you do since a vocal coach is also a teacher. While learning about the voice, you can learn their teaching techniques and gain some insight and maybe some teaching tools and tips along the way.
Since teaching requires you to speak in front of an audience, whether being a classroom full of students or a one-on-one tutor, you need to have an engaging voice that projects well. If you don’t have the best self-esteem but you know part of being a teacher is performing in front of a class, voice lessons can help to build your confidence. Additionally, “teachers often overstrain their voices, which can cause damage to their vocal cords and even lead to vocal nodules.
By utilizing vocal coaching and singing lessons, you learn the fundamentals of how to warm up your voice so that you’re less likely to lose it, in addition to practicing vocal care so that you can speak daily without strain.”
Private tutors and online teachers can also reap the benefits of vocal coaching for many of the same reasons, even though the majority of online teaching is more of a one-on-one situation. Vocal coaches focus on correct pronunciation, which, if you’re an online ESL Teacher and are working with children overseas to help them learn English, pronunciation is especially important.
Part of your job is to encourage the correct sounds of vowels and consonants, and voice lessons can assist with that a great deal.
Sales or Marketing Executives
If you desire to have a career where you are constantly working on that next big sales pitch or want to be the one to present how to market a product the best way, vocal coaching can help with this too. Because like with teaching this requires you to stand up and talk frequently in front of people, your voice needs to be in the best shape it can be. Vocal coaching is a great way to exercise your vocal cords, learning proper warm-ups so that you don’t strain or go hoarse during those big presentations. Other types of training designed to improve communication skills can serve you as well.Consider getting in touch with the Throughline Group for custom workshops on public speaking, media training, etc.
Since voice lessons help with your social abilities as well as your confidence, you can really overcome anxieties and stress about public speaking for careers in these fields with some good vocal coaching.
If you know more than one language or multiple languages, vocal coaching may or may not have been a factor in your learning. However, most people have found that it is much easier
learning language through music, or have found that it can be helpful when studying other languages, to listen to and translate the music in that particular language. It can be beneficial to take vocal coaching for learning other languages. You can take singing lessons to learn songs in Italian, Spanish, or any language that you may be interested in learning, and it can benefit your translating abilities for this career. Music language can use both slang and proper language rules, you can increase your comfort level in a particular language through the music.
Motivational Speakers
This career lends its way to always having to be in the best vocal health. Aside from gaining the confidence and self-esteem needed for public speaking, dynamics will play a key role in this job. This is because when you work with a vocal coaching, you learn the importance of where to put emphasis on certain words and phrases within a song. Musically when you sing, you will learn where to build up the sounds to make a statement, or when to be quiet so the words make more of an impact. As a motivational speaker, you typically are working to both engage and excite your audience.