5 Lessons That Going To An Online School Has Taught Me

When I first started online school, I thought it would beeasier than traditional graduate school. I would not have to go to class and I could do everything at my leisure,it would be awesome.  I could not tellyou how wrong I was.  My online schoolwas awesome, but it was more work than I anticipated, and actually, that was agood thing. 

Here are the five Lessons That Online School Has Taught Me

Time management

In an online school, you do have assignment and they are dueby a certain time with no exceptions. Since online classes have shorter quarters than traditional college buthave the same, amount of work (or even more) you have to be able to get thesame work done in a shorter amount of time. I chose to go to an online school because I had a job and a life thatneeded attending to. However, online school does not care.  You do the work or you fail.  Therefore, I had to make a way to go toschool, go to work, raise a kid, and still get 8 hours of sleep.  I learned time management skills that arestill with me until this day.

To be A Self Starter 

In online school, no one is going to tell you to go toclass, no one is going to tell you to do your homework, and no one is going totell you what classes to take and when you take them.  It is up to you to be involved in youreducational planning and up to you to figure it out how to finish.

To Stand Out

Even though online school is not face-to-face you cannothide like you can in a traditional class. In undergrad, some of my classes were so big that my professor did noteven know my name or know I was there.  Meaning that half the time I did not have to participate.  Online school is not like that.  You have to participate in onlinediscussions, in the open, and everyone will read it.  So unless you want to risk looking like dumbyou have to do your homework, you have to post something meaningful, and youhave to participate in class discussions. Therefore, I learned to not be afraid to stand out and not to be afraid toshowcase what I know.  

There are no limitations

When I went to an online school, I was going for graduateschool to be a counselor.  I did not eventhink it would be possible to do that.  ButI did not give up, I found an online school that was accredited by thecounseling association and would allow me to be exactly what I sought out tobe. If there is a will there is a way.

No Stigma

Before online schools first were a “thing” I think peoplefelt like an online education was not a real education.  Which is not true and people are starting tounderstand that.  Even Harvard has onlinelearning.  So I learned not to be ashamedof my online degree and my degree is as good as a degree earned in person.   

Published by

Sophia Reed

My name is Sophia Reed, I am a single women and a single mom. I have a Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Counseling and I am a National Certified Counselor. I am a PhD candidate, which just means that I should be finishing my doctorate in the next few months in Human Behavior. My past work experience includes working with and counseling adults, couples, families, children, military members, and faith based counseling.   I love motivating others and encouraging all women to be beautiful from the inside and out. Twitter handle: @SophiaReedmft Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/SophiaReedMFT/

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