5 Steps to Become a Millionaire in less than 12 months

1. Think on paper

Take a note book and a pen start writing the following steps to make million dollars. Thinking or planing in your mind is a less effective way. Write down every steps on a piece of paper. Yes, something miraculous happens between your mind and pen. Believe it. A goal without a written plan is never achieved.

2. Decide exactly how much you want 

Do you want to make million dollars in 12 months? First step is to decide how much you want exactly and by which date you want to earn that money. Decide the exact date by which you are going to have that dream money-million dollars

3. Decide how you are going to get that money

Are you going to start any small business? Are going to ask for donations? Are you going to sell your talents? Decide the way by which you want to get that million dollar. One of my friend earned 2 million dollars by sending promotional emails to 28 million US consumers email list introducing his home made baby clothes. It was amazing to listen to his success story.

4. Do what you love to do

If you do what you love to do, you will never have to work another day in life. Many successful people love what they do. They do not merely work, they make their work as a hobby.

5. Write down your plan Write down every steps from 1 to 10. Circle the most important task you need to do immediately in order to achieve your goal. Start executing your plan today itself. Never postpone anything for tomorrow.

Published by

Cathy John

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