Being a mother is really, really hard.
Between managing time with your child, focusing on your studies/career, and staying up-to-date on your little one’s development, it's tough.
As mothers we feel like the world is on our shoulders, and as painful as it might feel, it can be on our shoulders. We are responsible for a growing, beautiful human being.
Yes, if you’ve raised a child, you are making a direct impact on the world.
Instead of expecting gifts or flowers, I decided to take a few hours to reflect on who I am as a mother and how this affects my child.
Here are 5 things I let go of on Mother’s Day:
1. Past Hurts
Whether your husband said something mean to you 6 months ago or your child hurt you in some way, it is time to let go of past hurts.
Accept that it happened.
Move on.
Some people spend their entire lives holding grudges or carrying pain. When you’re having a bad day, this pain can rise up in some way..on top of everything else!
Bringing up the same issue over and over again?
No results?
You need to be the change you want to see.
Walk away and focus on what needs to get done.
Lead by example, and don’t sweat the small stuff.
2. Failed Dreams
As a mother, we’ve all had that one dream that never came true for us. That one endeavor that got away, and we can’t accept it.
Let go of your failed dreams.
Stop dwelling on what you didn’t or couldn’t accomplish, think about everything you have accomplished.
Who knows? Maybe that dream will find you again.
3. Old Beliefs
We live in the age of information. Thanks to human nature, we are pummeled with ignorance and emotional facts that don’t hold up to objective truths.
Stop holding on to beliefs or traditions that aren’t right or just don’t cut it for you anymore.
4. Materialism
For every stressful day, we might pick up a little trinket for ourselves.
A new eyeshadow or an unexpected purchase at the mall might be stressing you out in the long run!
We have too much stuff.
In our society, we pride ourselves on stuff.
When we have a baby, we always think about what toys we’ll buy– or stress ourselves out because we can’t afford a huge trunk full of junk.
Less is more. Plus, you’ll have less mess to clean up and more room to move around!
5. Fear
Fear paralyzes us.
Embracing new ideas shakes up our system.
It’s time to break free from the chains that do not encourage growth.
Anything is possible when you are determined to let it happen!
More importantly, I've learned to breathe when I feel frustration build up in my heart. We are so much more than our pain and our possessions. We are individuals who gave life. It is imperative to never forget that!