5 Things That Make NYC The Best City To Visit

Alicia Keys and Jay-Z weren't lying. It's a concrete jungle where dreams are made of, there's nothing you can't do. The streets will make you feel brand new, and big lights will inspire you. It is truly the most magical city in the world.

1. The diversity. 

New York City is the melting pot of the United States. There are all kinds of people, that come from all kinds of places. No kind of person, including race and sexual orientation, is out of the question here. 

No style is off limits, nothing is too much. Turning heads here is an acceptable thing to do, and the people of this city do it well.

2. The talent.

I've never in my life seen so much talent in one place. It's absolutely incredible. 

Some of the most impressive musical talent your eardrums will ever have the pleasure of being consumed by lies within the subway systems of New York City. The acoustics are amazing, and the voices and instrumentals you'll hear aren't only absolutely mesmerizing, but insanely unique.

3. It really is the city that never sleeps. 

That's not just an empty saying. If you want something to do, you'll find something to do, and it doesn't matter what time it is. 

There are clubs that only close for an hour at a time to clean the place up. There are comedy shows, amazing sights for night-time walks, and TONS of 24 hour restaurants. 

The observation deck of the Empire State Building doesn't close until 2:00 AM. Hell, even museums are open until 11:00 PM there.

4. The atmosphere.

Just being there is a rush. Everything is so fast paced and the exact opposite of anything that you know as comfortable.  

Getting off of the subway on 42nd street and walking up on to the road to see the shining lights of Times Square, something you've only ever seen on TV, is a pretty amazing feeling.

It has this thing about it, it makes you feel like in that moment, anything is possible. Like you've made it somewhere important.

5. The Food.

Yes, the food. You will find some of the best food you've ever eaten on the streets of New York City. The best food I've ever had in my entire life was in Little Italy, and no Italian food has compared since.

There's so many different options when it comes to what to eat. I've found that the best places are the random no-name cafe's and pizza joints. Pizza is a must-have while visiting this city. Seriously, must-have.

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Published by

Kalianne Christine

I love working on my cars. I'm a guitarist, vocalist, and lyricist. I love Marvel comics and anything having to do with science. Closeted hopeless romantic, and tattoo addict. Your typical nerd.  Twitter handle: Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/kcpuckermob/

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