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“Camp counselor: Because freakin’ miracle worker isn’t an official job title.”
Last summer I started working as a camp counselor through my town. I went into the job thinking that it would be a fun summer job, and I left leaving with a summer filled with memories, and laughs ( and the occasional breakdowns)
Although the job is great, you often find yourself saying and thinking things you never thought you’d say otherwise like, “Put down that fishbowl!” and “Stop kissing my backpack!” (these were both actual conversations) any many more odd sayings. So here are some more things you say and think as a camp counselor.
1.”Alright, I am the adult here!”
Yeah, sure you are Em.
2. “You need an ice pack? Already? The day hasn’t even started yet!”
3. “Why are they running? They know they can’t run it here.”
4. “What? No, you may not have a snack yet!”
5. “Why does it feel like a number of kids multiples every time I turn around?”
6. “Who is crying?”
Please don’t be one of my kids
7. “Oh great, it’s snack time”
That’s all they need, SUGAR!
8. “How long does it take to put away a lunch box?”