Here are 55 Rory Gilmore quotes from Gilmore Girls quotes that remind us why we relate so much to Rory and that she is like our sister.
- “Nothing excites me before 11:00.”
- “I really do hate everyone today, including myself.”
- “It’s Avril Lavigne’s world. We’re just living in it.”
- “College is not just a crazy, wild, sleep-deprived hedonistic society.”
- “My books look sad. Can books look sad?”
- “I’ll eat to that.”
- “Butt-faced miscreant!”
- “No. I just take a book with me everywhere. It’s just a habit.”
- “I don’t even know how to respond to that.”
- “I just got hit by a deer!”
- “I’m ready to wallow now.”
- “Now I’m supposed to look pretty and girly, which is completely impossible because I’m gross, and I have nothing to wear.”
- “I think I may have loved you, but I need to just let it go.”
- “I’ve now used the word suck so much that it’s lost all meaning to me.”
- “I love you, you idiot.”
- “Who cares if I’m pretty if I fail my finals?”
- “The dress is fine. The person in it, however…”
- “A trench coat would be too All the President’s Men but my blue coat would be too His Girl Friday. I don’t know!”
- “Hey, talk more like a ferret!”
- “It’s me. I just wanted to let you know that this is the last weekend I spend sitting around like an idiot hoping you’ll call. Okay? I’m not going to be that girl. From now on, I want a plan. I mean a real plan with a time and a place. And I’m tired of hearing ‘Let’s hook up later.’ What does that mean, anyway? What’s later? How do I set my watch to later? Later doesn’t cut it any more, got it? And, yeah, you know, maybe I am spoiled; but guess what, I like being spoiled! I plan to go on being spoiled. And if that doesn’t sound like something that you can or want to do, then, fine! I’m sure you’ll find another girl who doesn’t mind sitting around cleaning her keyboard on a Friday night hoping you’ll call. But it’s not going to be me!”
- “One of those moments when everything is so perfect and so wonderful that… you almost feel sad because nothing could ever be this good again.”
- “Thanks for the concept of lunch.”
- “They say absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
- “Quartering’s too good for him. He should be eighthed, sixteenthed.”
- “Like, ‘Stop eating the paste’ special?”
- “I can’t finish all this and sleep at the same time.”
- “That sounded more like ‘I’m surprised I still have my clothes on’!”
- “Oh, you should walk down the aisle to Frank Sinatra, with a huge bouquet of something that smells really good.”
- “5 years? Cool…I’ve got the next 2 and a half hours planned… then there’s just darkness… and possibly some dragons.”
- “Date Al from Pancake World. His food stinks.”
- “I can set my crack pipe aside for a night and do that.”
- “Because sometimes you have something you need to say, but you can’t because the words won’t come out, or you get scared, or you feel stupid. But if you could write a song and sing it, then you could say what needed to say, and it would be beautiful, and people would listen, and you wouldn’t make a complete idiot out of yourself. But all of us can’t be song writers, so some of us will never get the chance to say what we’re thinking, or what we want other people to know that we’re thinking, so we’ll never get the chance to make things right again ever… So give this guy a license!”
- “Hey, I’m not looking for social contacts. I have friends. I’m fine.”
- “I learned my seven continents on Hug-a-World, don’t you remember? We used to squeeze it as tight as we could and then wherever our pinkies would end up, that’s where we were going to go together when I grew up.”
- “Alright, let’s make it a foursome.”
- “Says the woman with a Hello Kitty waffle iron.”
- “Dean, I promise, the only way you could be more important to me is if you had a Kit-Kat bar growing out of your head.”
- “Take comfort in the fact that you are not doing it alone.”
- “Promise. I will not go mad until we get you some boots.”
- “No, he’s not, we broke up. No, oh no, I’m sorry, he broke up, I thought we were just taking some time, but apparently, I’m a moron!”
- “I mean, how fair is that? He’s gone, and then he shows up out of the blue, ‘You can’t live here, this place is a dump, and by the way, I love you!’ I love you? Is he serious?”
- So what happens now? I get another Birkin bag? And how long until he doesn’t love me again, huh? I stole a boat with him! I never stole a boat with Dean!”
- “My married ex-boyfriend who I lost my virginity to!”
- “Yeah, I’m a treat! I don’t know what I’m gonna do, I don’t think I can take running into him every day in the halls, and in the paper and the coffee cart… Oh my god! I’m gonna have to quit drinking coffee! And I love coffee!”
- “Really? Do tell. Oh, but wait, let me dim the lights and start the fire.”
- “Paris, did you know that not eating can make people kind of snippy?”
- “I just don’t want to do or say anything else that’s going to be completely moronic.”
- “Well, then you could say that they exposed you to a world that you wouldn’t have otherwise known. Isn’t that what great writing is all about?”
- “Sounds like you’re over-thinking this. Maybe if you just put pen to paper.”
- “That tree has earned character by persevering through freezing winters and forest fires and floods.”
- “Jess, is that you? Jess, I’m pretty sure it’s you and I’m pretty sure you’ve been calling and not saying anything but wanna say something. Hello? You’re not going to talk? Fine, I’ll talk. You didn’t handle things right at all. You could’ve talked to me. You could’ve told me that you were having trouble in school and weren’t going to graduate, and that your dad had been there, but you didn’t. And you ended up not taking me to my prom and not coming to my graduation and leaving again without saying goodbye again, and that’s fine, I get it, but that’s it for me. I’m going to Europe tomorrow and I’m going to Yale and I’m moving on. And I’m not going to pine. I hope you didn’t think I was going to pine, okay? I think… I think I may have loved you, but I just need to let it go. So, that’s it, I guess. Um, I hope you’re good. I want you to be good, and, um, okay, so, goodbye. That word sounds really lame and stupid right now, but there it is. Goodbye.”
- “Hey, call me crazy, but I just don’t think that Butterfingers go with Jujubes.”
- “You know, I have actually thought about this moment. A lot. What would Jess say to me if I ever saw him again? I mean, he just took off, no note, no call, nothing, how could he explain that? And then a year goes by. No word, nothing, so he couldn’t possibly have a good excuse for that, right? I have imagined hundreds of different scenarios with a hundred different great last parting lines, and I have to tell you that I am actually very curious to see which way this is going to go.”
- “Did you do something slutty?”
- “Maybe I just didn’t look up because I’m unbelievably self-centered.”