
7 Perks of Dating a Bearded Man

Beards are in. Its a known fact that men with beards are 95% hotter. Okay, I may be biased and that may or may not be 100% factual. Regardless, every girl should date the man with a beard at least once in their dating career. 

1. Beard Kisses- Honestly, What is better than that?

2. Open Ended Threats. “I will shave your beard in your sleep.” Most likely will come up during a fight.  You’ll both laugh and will be back to normal within minutes. You know deep down you would be sad if not more sad if he shaved.

3. Strangers Compliment- The days of men hitting on you are over. Instead, they will overlook you and compliment your man on his beard. Expect a 10 minute conversation. This conversation will cover the following; how long it takes to grow it, what it takes to maintain it, and what type of beard wax he uses. Also be aware your profile pic comments will no longer be about how pretty you are. They will strictly be about how perfect it is. 

4. #NoShaveLife will Become Habit Forming- You start to find yourself hash-tagging #beard #beardlife #noshavelife in irrelevant photos. It will be hard to explain #noshavelife on your latest selfie. You will get through it though.

5. Beard Merch. While your man is strutting his #Noshavelife shirts around you can guarantee he will buy you your own. A “With Bearded”  shirt is like the equivalent to marking his territory. You will wear it with pride

6. Comparing Other Beards. You will start to notice yourself comparing every bearded man to your mans. When “My boyfriend’s beard is sexier.”  thoughts start forming you know once you go bearded you don’t go back.

7. Non Stop Beard Jokes. You will often find yourself making a witty but sassy comment to your man. “You realize I’m only dating your for your beard right?” This will just be part of your daily routine. He will love how much you love his beard.