7 Signs You Know You're Addicted To Dunkin' Donuts

Waking up early in the morning can be hard process. When you’re tired and you have to drive the commute to school or work, keeping your eyes open can be a huge struggle. So, maybe you stop for a coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts. You say to yourself, “It's okay, it's right on the way it will only take me five minutes.”

Soon, everyday after then you find yourself continuing to stop at that same Dunkin’ Donuts because you cannot get through the morning without your cup of coffee.

Are you addicted? Probably. But who isn’t?

Here are some signs that will let you know that you’re addicted to Dunkin’ Donuts:

1. Find Yourself Driving There As a Normal Routine

You know you have a problem when you find yourself turning into the Dunkin’ Donuts parking lot without even thinking about it. Driving and stopping there on your daily routine to work or school becomes a normal stop for you and you don’t even have to think about it.

2. You’re Cranky When You Don’t Have it 

The day that you do not have time to stop for a Dunkin’ Donuts coffee is the day that everyone should steer clear of you. You find yourself unusually tired and cranky and maybe even a little annoyed because you did not get a chance to enjoy your morning coffee.

3. You Plan Ahead in Your Schedule and Leave Early To Get it

Whether you are driving to work early, or you have an early morning class for school, you know you have an addiction when you plan to leave extra early so that you have time to stop for your morning cup of coffee. You calculate exactly how much time it takes to get to school and how early you should leave so that you will be able to make a stop at your local Dunkin’. Extra time is always good too because who knows? Maybe you’ll get a breakfast sandwich too.

4. Your Hand Feels Empty Without it, Feel Like You’re Forgetting Something

When you do not have time to stop for your morning coffee, getting out of the car without it feels strange. You almost feel like something is missing from your hand and that you’re forgetting something. This is when you know you have become a Dunkin’ addict.

5. Your Wallet is Unusually Empty

Your love for Dunkin’ Donuts coffee becomes a problem once you open your wallet and realize you have no cash in it. All of your money goes towards Dunkin’, and you specifically take cash out the bank so that you have it for your morning commute.

6. Workers There Know Your Name and Order 

You know that you spend too much time at a place when the workers start to call you by your first name. They know your specific order as soon as you walk through the door and before you can even ask what you want they say, “Medium hot, extra extra?”

7. You’d Rather Receive a Dunkin’ Gift Card, Instead of Cash as a Gift 

Your true addiction shows when you get more excited about receiving a Dunkin’ Donuts gift card than you are about receiving cash. At this time, you see the gift card more valuable than cash because now you don’t have to feel bad about spending all your money on coffee. But honestly, who ever feels bad about that?

Image Credit: http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2014/06/10/dunkin-donuts-to-raise-coffee-prices-amidst-global-shortage/

Published by

Samantha Melvin

Writer, Musician and Coffee addict who loves dogs more than people Twitter handle: SamanthaMelvin3 Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/samantha.melvin.75

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