7 Simple Moves To Spice Up The Bedroom (Guy’s Edition)

I know nothing about sex, because I was always married.Zsa Zsa Gabour

The only unnatural sex act is that which you cannot perform.Alfred Kinsey

Dear gentlemen,

As you do not weekly partake in gossip group sessions on all things raunchy like your female counterparts, I figured I’d give you a few base tips to get your sexy-time really going because how would you know what to do, if someone didn’t explicitly tell you?

It is my personal belief that one can never have too many sex moves. With that being said, here are seven more for you, and trust me, your lady love will voice her appreciation for these new found moves in just a short while of initiating them…

Happy fornicating!

Kiss the inside of her thighs

This one may not sound like a move at all, but believe me, it is.

It can be easy to bypass the majority of a woman’s flesh in preference for the most-obvious erogenous zones. However, thighs should not be forgotten. They are super sensitive, and kissing them will pave the way for your lady to warm up to you – i.e. smoother entry later on—you know what I’m referring to here. 

This move is much needed in the beginnings of foreplay and duly appreciated, so the next time you’re going downtown—don’t forget to kiss the thighs.

Give her tongue a playful lick.

This move goes so much further beyond cookie cutter kissing. It shows your lady that you are actually thinking about your mouth on hers, and you’re not just going through the motions. Pull back a minute from your full-blown lip lock and playfully give her tongue a little lick. Don’t slobber on her, laying a golden-retriever sized doll-up of slobber on her tongue. Just gently, mindfully give her tongue a little flick. She’ll perk up immediately, and you two can return to your impassioned kissing with renewed vigor.

Whisper directly into her ear

The problem with dirty talk is that it sometimes goes unheard. Nothing is less sexy than repeating a particularly raunchy slur after hearing her incredulous, “What, did you say?”

Do yourself a favor, and get right to the source: whisper directly into her ear.

This is incredibly sexy no matter what you say. Your hot breath inside her ear lobe will be just the caress she needs to feel to sharpen her overall awareness to sexy you.

Grab her feet

Don’t ignore this one! I know you read feet, and were just like—I’m skimming over that one—but refrain!

This move is so easy, but incredible sexy. If your gal is sitting up on a counter top or on the bed while you’re stand in front of her—grab hold of both her feet. Give them a squeeze or a little action rub along the arches, while kissing her deeply.

She will be so turned on by the dual action pressure you’re applying that she will be completely blind-sided and more than a little light-headed. For her, you will instantly be elevated in her mind as one of the most sensual lovers with foreplay she’s ever come across. Go you.

Now on to the main event…

Put the P directly on the V.

There’s no easy way to say this, so I’m just going to dive right in. Take your shaft and rub it up and down on her lady parts. No, no, no—do not try to stick it in. Just gently rub it on top of her lady parts only for a moment or so. After, a couple strokes, and then – only then gentlemen—do you proceed to stick it in.

This will make all the difference in the world.

If I have to explain why you should do this, then there are greater issues at hand here.

Twist the sheets

When your lady gets on top, pull the blankets/sheets around her hips. Grip either side like handles, and pull her back and forth on top of you. This allows you to be in control of the situation and still the dominant one, although she’s on top.

Just this little extra bit of effort will reassure her that you’re still a contributing participant in this endeavor. (No dead fish love-making for you, and yes, guys can be dead, limp fish, too…)

Put a pillow beneath her lower back.

This move has been advertised, documented, and bitchily pushed by the female population for decades, and you know what? It’s still not being used. Why men, why?? Just bring out the damn pillow!

Let’s break it down: I could show you diagrams that explain the female anatomy, but why bother? You and I both know that when her pelvis is lifted just a couple inches higher, it feels way better—for you, for her—it’s a much better sensation all around.

However, as a lady, it can be exhausting to keep your pelvis erect for long periods of time—especially when you’re trying to enjoy yourself. So, take out the extra ab work for her and just lay down a pillow beneath her hips—you know one of those white things you’re drilling her head into? Yea, one of those. Take the initiative, it’ll be that much more sexy when you do.

For more of Brittany Ann’s writing, follow her on her Facebook page.

Published by

Brit Bandana

Mountain dweller and day-dreamer. Writer, jewelry-maker, and habitual mistake-maker. For more of my writing, check out my Facebook page! If you'd like to see some of my jewelry, please go to my website! Twitter handle: Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/Brittany-Ann-1547058825604701/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel

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