7 Super Romantic Budget Date Night Ideas

In a long-term relationship, it’s easy to lose the allure of romance and butterflies that you had when you first started dating. Now that I’ve been dating the same guy for over two years, I know how it goes: at first, you’re so crazy about each other that you’re willing to do anything to see each other. Then, once you start to get comfortable, you start slacking on the romance and tend to fall into a routine.

That’s why it’s so important to shake things up with a romantic date night every once in a while, especially in a long-term relationship! The problem? A wild night of romance can get pretty darn expensive if you don’t plan ahead. That’s why I’m bringing you seven super romantic date ideas you can enjoy no matter what your budget! These date ideas will help you rekindle the spark your relationship had at the beginning – without sending your wallet up in flames.

Date Night #1: Volunteer Together

For a date that’s not just free, but also gives back to the community in a heartwarming way, choose a cause you’re both passionate about and reach out to a local organization about a day of volunteering together. Stacking soup cans for the local food pantry, cleaning cages at the local animal shelter or reading to a child at the public library together can all build your sense of shared values and leave you feeling closer than ever before.

Date Night #2: Winter Wonderland 

No matter what the weather outside, you’ll love this winter wonderland-themed date as an excuse to bundle up in your coziest clothes! Local ice skating rinks don’t charge much for a night of fun – plus, what could be more romantic than snuggling close for warmth inside the chilly rink? For around $10 a person, you can rent a pair of skates and zip around the ring together until you’re the last ones there. Then, stop by your local coffee shop for a cup of hot cocoa you can share (only $3-5!) as you laugh at the silly memories of your romantic night together.

Date Night #3: Camping Under the Stars

As a couple, there’s no better way to get some alone time than venturing into the great outdoors! As far as a weekend getaway goes, a campground is probably your cheapest option for a romantic night in an exotic new destination. However, you can always enjoy camping from the privacy of your backyard to save an extra buck or two! Set up a tent, lay out some sleeping bags and use a small portable camping BBQ to cook a romantic meal together – or, if you’re lucky enough to have a fire pit, roast some marshmallows and fall asleep under the stars.

Date Night #4: Picnic in the Park

On a beautiful day, there’s no better way to enjoy the weather than a picnic in the park with someone you love. The best part of a picnic is that the preparation can be almost as fun as the event itself! Make a date of getting together and chopping veggies, slicing fruit and fixing sandwiches for your picnic. Then, pack them in a cute dollar store picnic basket with your favorite blanket and head over to your favorite nearby scenery to enjoy a delicious meal with an amazing view.

Date Night #5: Kids’ Night

Do you ever find yourself nostalgic to enjoy the things you used to love as a kid? Well, this is your chance to do just that – and with your partner to boot! For this date idea, head to the local dollar store to grab some fun kids’ toys and snacks. Some of my staples? Bubbles, crayons, fruit snacks and juice boxes. Then, invite your partner over for a night of childhood fun and put on your favorite cartoons from way back when. You’ll find yourselves laughing and bonding over the good old days in no time – all for less than $5!

Date Night #6: Mini Golf

Why go on another boring dinner and a movie date when you could play mini golf instead? One of me and my boyfriend’s favorite spots for date night is the mini golf course. We love the playful competition that comes with putting a few holes – and at $12 a person, you really can’t beat the price tag! I highly recommend taking your date to your favorite mini golf course. For a fun twist, you can even make a bet: the loser has to buy the winner ice cream! See? Aren’t you glad you didn’t go to that movie, after all?

Date Night #7: Historic Sightseeing 

If you live anywhere near a city, chances are you’re pretty close to some interesting historic sights you never even knew about. The best part? Many historic sights, especially national parks, tend to err on the side of free! It’s an amazing bonding experience getting to experience a new part of history together, without breaking the bank on a pricey class or expensive travel tickets!

Published by

Christina Moore

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