8 Reminders for When Your Holiday Stress Level is at an All Time High

With the holiday season quickly approaching, it can be all too easy to get caught up in everything happening and get overwhelmed. Somehow the “happiest time of the year” always ends up to be the most stressful. And when it seems like everything’s on fire, who has time to stop and take a few deep breaths?

When it comes to joy, most of us can easily think of things that bring it to us; family, friends, a favorite meal, music… The list can go on and on.

With all of the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it can be easy to overlook the little things in our day to day lives.

So when shit starts to hit the fan and everything seems to be going wrong, remind yourself of these things to keep you going.

1. It is okay to need to take a step back from everything and be by yourself. Have a space where you can go when you need to decompress from the chaotic happenings around you. That could be the bathroom, your bedroom, or even taking a walk outside.

2. What’s broken can be mended. What hurts can be healed. And no matter how dark it gets, the sun is going to rise again. – Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy

3. People mean well, but don’t forget that you don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to. Whether that’s making a dish that’s entirely too time-consuming or expensive, going somewhere that stresses you out even more, or spending excessive amounts of time with those who have a negative impact on your life… Saying “no” and leaving it at that is always an option.

4. It’s okay to not be able to fit everyone and everything in. The holidays always seem to bring out the “more, more, more” side in our society; more cooking, more shopping, etc. There is nothing wrong with taking a step back and doing less. This will help you have more time to take care of yourself as well as being able to truly enjoy the things you do choose to do.

5. If the holidays are a hard time of year for you because of things in your past, consider doing away with old customs and traditions in favor of new ones. This not only helps you distance yourself from a hurtful past and/or people, but it frees you to start new traditions all your own.

6. Plan a vacation or weekend getaway during all of the craziness. If huge get togethers leave you feeling more stressed out and drained than before they started, opt out and instead spend the time doing something that is calming, relaxing, and recharges you. 

7. Don’t forget to treat yourself! Curl up and watch your favorite movie, read your favorite book, take a bubble bath surrounded by your favorite smelling candles… Do whatever it is that makes you feel good.

8. Write it down. Take time each day to write down the things that brought you joy. Did someone pay for your coffee unexpectedly? Or maybe you had a really great conversation with a friend. No matter how big or small, acknowledge it. It doesn’t have to be all of them, but you’ll be amazed at how much having that paper trail can help change your outlook.

Life is such a miracle, a series of small miracles. It really is if you learn how to look at it with the right perspective. – James Patterson, Suzanne's  Diary for Nicholas

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Published by

Leah Massie

22 years old and just trying to figure out my place in this wide and wild world.  Lover of caffeine, books, and sunshine. Follow along for the ride Twitter handle: leahj2012 Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/leah.massie.7

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