8 Things You Need to Know Before Dating a Taurus

Taurus. The second sign of the Zodiac. We have perfections and imperfections like every other sign. Here's what you need to know before dating one of us. 

We're loyal

Taurus' are known as one of the most loyal signs. Once you get in a relationship with one of us, we're in it for the long haul. Unless you do something to betray our trust, you're stuck with us. 

We get jealous easily

This is a trait that we wish we didn't have, and we can't help it. Sometimes we're just insecure. Be honest and not keep secrets from us and we will be just fine.

We're very sensual

When it comes to affection, we love receiving, as well as giving it. Whether it's during sex or just spending time with you, we absolutely love it, so please show us some affection. We'll be sure to return the favor.

We're stubborn as hell

This is probably the most known trait of a Taurus. Once we have our mind set on something, it's hard changing it. We won't back down from an argument. It's our way or the high way. This explains why we hate change so much. We'll do anything to avoid it.

We don't have a temper

We're pretty calm people, and don't really get angry. Get us really pissed off though, and you'll regret it. Trust me when I say this, it's not pretty. You have been warned. 

We're very protective

We love and care for the people most important in our lives. With that being said, if someone messes with any of them, we'll be one of the first people to defend them. 

We're dependable and genuine

We always keep our word, and will do anything to help you out. There's no point in going back on our word unless it's an important reason. We would rather have a few good friends around than a bunch of fake ones.

We're romantics

We love the idea of love and falling in love. We want to be with someone who is loyal, stable, and affectionate like we are. It may take some time for us to get a feel for who you are and to trust you, but I promise you that it's worth the wait.

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Published by

Jordanna Romano

20 year old college student who's just taking it one day at a time Twitter handle: @jordannamariee Facebook URL: http://facebook.com/jordannamarieisabel

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