
9 Things We Need to Thank Our Dogs For

In honor of Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, it’s important to note all of the ways dogs make our lives so much better:


  1. For always being happy to see you.

He gives you the kind of greeting you’d give One Direction, which feels pretty great.

  1. For always giving you kisses when you feel sad.

Your dog is always willing to give you some love when you need it the most.

  1. For not judging you when you change in front of him.

We all change in front of our dogs and they love us no matter what our naked bodies look like.

  1. For being there through thick and thin.

Your dog has been by your side through three boyfriends, two break ups, and 3 moves.

  1. For making me get outside more.

You would basically be a hermit if your dog didn’t need to go for a walk.

  1. For making Netflix and chill a more enjoyable experience.

Sitting on the couch binge-watching Scandal with my dog? Yeah that sound’s better than the other use for the term.

  1. For teaching you about forgiveness.

Your dog will forgive when you haven’t been home all day, when you scold him for tearing up your favorite shoes, and accidentally spill some coffee on him. He loves you  no matter what.

  1. For making you appreciate the little things.

Dogs get so pumped at new toys, getting fed, being pet and new visitors. They cannot contain their excitement. It kind of makes you want to get that excited about the little things, too.

  1. For being the best friend anyone could have.

You and your dog have a powerful bond. You are his whole world and he sure makes yours a hell of a lot better.