Dear Ex,
I’ve had so many mixed feelings in regards to writing this letter. To start off, I want to say that I hope that you’re not as shitty now as you were before, because let’s face it, you were VERY shitty.
But I loved you anyways. We had good times and had a great connection. Or, I thought we did. Even though I loved you, you chose to break my heart and almost break my spirit.
I was a damn good girlfriend to you. I did everything you wanted and then some. I went out of my way, multiple times to make sure that you were happy, and that was never good enough. I spent so much time, effort and money on you, but you didn’t seem to care. Instead of appreciating what you had, you chose to pick fights with me about anything and everything, call me names, belittle me, lie to me, cheat on me, alienate me, and so many other things….and I stupidly let you.
There are so many times when I look back on our relationship and want to punch myself in the face for staying with you as long as I did. I don’t look back and think of all of our “wonderful” times, because they’re only plagued with horrible times right after. Things between us never stayed good for long.
To be honest, there were other guys that took interest in me, but I chose to turn them down; for you. They showed me more respect in the small amount of time we talked, than you ever did in our entire relationship. Looking back now, I never should have gone out with your sorry ass, especially when I saw those red flags.
I was never a hard woman to please. All I wanted was for you to give me love, affection, honesty, to be loyal and for me to be able to trust you. But you’re not that kind of person. You liked the attention and affection from other women. In the end, I’m glad we aren’t together. I do, however, want to thank you. You changed me forever, and honestly, I do want to thank you for that. You helped me realize that I’m a wonderful person with so much to offer myself, and eventually someone else.
I deserve someone who respects me, who is honest with me, who cares about me and my family, who is loyal and committed to me. Someone who is genuinely interested in me, that wants to spend time with me, who appreciates what I have to offer and someone that will love me unconditionally.
Since moving on from you, things in my life are so much better and I’m SO much happier. Thank you for trying to break me, but failing to do so. Because of that, I have found myself and love myself.
PS. Fuck you.
PPS. I hope karma fucks you in the ass with a cactus.
The ex-girlfriend. ????