We've been through a whole lot, you and I. The good, the bad, and the in between. And after all this time, I've come to see your imperfections as you've come to see mine. But despite all this, I still love you. Every fiber of your being, stringed together to create your existence, is what I love.
You make me feel alive and awaken my soul, which had been in the doldrums for quite some time before I met you. You take me out of my shell, helping me explore life and try new things. Having you in my life has opened up my eyes and expanded my horizons.
Freedom is one of the most important things to me and with that knowledge, you always make sure I never feel suffocated, and I never do. You make sure to give me space, even when it was sometimes hard on you. I appreciate you allowing me to live life on my own terms, and for that you've got a hold on me without chains. To me that is the truest love; staying without restrictions.
I look up to how you march to the beat of your own drum. Having strict parents growing up, this was a difficult concept for me to grasp despite how much I wanted to.
You help me fight through my doubts and inspire me to grab my own life by the horns. Indirectly, you're helping me become the person I want to become, for showing me the path to my own freedom.
As cliche and cheesy as this sounds, your laugh is my favorite sound. The first time you threw your head back at a joke I made and I heard your hearty laugh, that was when I knew I fell for you. It literally captivated me. Your voice sounds like home and puts me at ease.
When I'm going through a hard time, you have been my safe haven and I know I can rely on you to help be strong for me in the times I can't.
When I see you struggling with yourself it breaks my heart because you are a beautiful person and I wish for you to always see yourself through my eyes. But I will be here to remind you of that person when you can't see it yourself.
I know you and I have had our trust issues in the past, but trust is a two way street and in order to receive full trust you must give it as well. You have proven to me that I can put my trust in your hands.
I trust that you are faithful to me, and that I am what you need and desire. I trust that you will come to me when something is bothering you and that we will talk things out together like we always do.
I have always been true to you and you can entrust me with all these things in return.
I love the friendship that I have with you where we can do random spontaneous sh*t together. Whether we're playing Call of Duty Zombies video games, walking around til 1:00 am playing Pokemon Go, working out together, binge drinking for 12 hours straight, finding different ways and places to mess around, or bickering back at you for acting like a grumpy old man.
Every day with you starts unplanned yet somehow turns into a new adventure.
Kissing you never gets old and I can't ever get enough of your lips on mine. Whether it's that first gentle kiss in the morning, that passionate kiss that leads to messing around for hours, that random peck throughout the day, or that stupid kiss that I give you with my eyes wide open staring back at you just to be obnoxious, I love them all.
I love seeing you looking back at me and smiling, it's all the great moments we've experienced plus the hardships we've gotten through together all tied into one simple beautiful moment.
I appreciate everything you do for me and everything that you are, and I hope I say "thank you" and "I love you" enough for you to know that.