First, I want to thank you.
Thank you for being a part of my life, even if you no longer play such a big role. Thank you for laughing with me. Thank you for crying with me.
Thank you for all the drinks you poured for me, and all the times you took them away from me. (And those few times you let me make my own mistakes– at least they made for good stories).
You helped me get through one of the hardest times in my life. Without you, I’m not sure how I would have made it to the other side of it all.
Most importantly, thank you for helping me rediscover myself. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason and that people are put into our lives to teach us, challenge us, and better us. There is no doubt that you have helped to better me.
Unfortunately, once I began to reconnect with who I really am, I realized that I needed to move forward alone, relying less on you, and more on myself.
There is no denying that I have spent most of my life defining myself by the relationships I was in. I could never be alone because I based my self-worth on the amount of love and attention I was receiving from whatever guy I was dating at the time.
You loved me even when I thought I was unloveable, which taught me to love myself, even without the guy. You showed me the importance the most valuable relationship, my relationship with me.
I decided I needed to take some time to really work on my relationship with myself, so I distanced myself from all of the people and things that could have kept me from truly focusing on me. That included you.
Though we may not see each other as much or talk as often, know that I am always rooting for you, and I am always a phone call away.
I’m not sure if things will ever go back to the way that they were, but know that you will always have a special place in my heart, and my life is forever changed because of you.