An Open Letter To The Guy Who Broke My Heart Like It Was Nothing

A few days ago you said to me, “What do you want from me?”

I simply replied with, “nothing, I guess.” but that wasn’t completely true because I do want something from you. I want you to…no, I need you to tell me that you’re sorry.

I need you to tell me that you’re sorry for… 

Completely destroying me. I need you to realize what you did to me. I need to know that you don’t think it’s okay.

Telling me “I love you.” I wasn’t the only girl you were saying it to.

Making me scared to ever fall for another guy. I’m scared they will treat me like you did, and then just leave me like you also did.

Making me feel like I need to be drunk every Saturday night…so that I won’t think about you.

Treating me like shit and making me feel worthless. 

Flipping everything back on me and making it my fault, as though you were the victim.

Everything. I need closure. I need an apology. I need you to tell me you’re sorry for breaking my heart.

I guess that’s what I “want” from you…

Published by

Terrin Raquel

Twitter handle: @terrrinharrris Facebook URL:

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