This little bundle of joy that hasn't even been born yet, but somehow is stealing the hearts of the whole family, especially mine. As you're about to enter my life, there are so many emotions rushing in at once, I’m not sure how to feel. All I know is that I will be your favorite auntie because I will love you the hardest.
Honesty is always going to be the base of our relationship, you can trust me with anything.
You don't know this yet, but the world is full of lies and dishonesty. As much as I'll try to protect you from it, but when i can't, I promise to be honest with you about whatever it is.
I will always be there as a non-judgmental listening ear.
You’re never going doubt if I'm really there, really listening to what you have to say, because I always will. You can come to me with any problem, any drama, and I will be a shoulder to lean on, and offer sound advice.
There’s nothing you could do that would ever make me stop loving you.
No matter what. I may be angry, and even disappointed, but I will never, ever stop loving you.
Your dreams will always be of utmost importance to me, I'll always support you.
No matter how silly they may sound, or how many people tell you it’s not possible, I will always be there to listen, support you, and encourage you to pursue your dreams. I will help you do whatever it takes to get there.
Whenever you need something, I'll be the ‘cool aunt’, but I can also be the ‘strict aunt.’
I will always be there to let you have fun. I will make you laugh and be yourself, but if there is something you need to be disciplined about, I’m going to do that too.
There will be times you will be so angry at me, you’ll feel like you’ll never get over it, but you will.
I promise to always be there.
Whether it’s sports events, school events, or even If you call me at four in the morning, drunk and scared to call your parents, I’ll be there. No matter what.
Never be afraid to wake me or call me for anything. I may fuss a little, but I will always come running for you, I just want you to be safe.
My little nugget, you are going to be so loved by so many people, but always know that your aunt will love you more than anything.
For more Kat, like her on Facebook.