I know a couple of things for sure. I know that you’re always going to mean something to me, no matter where life takes us.
I know that whenever I think about love, I think of you. And I know that above all else, I want you to be happy… even if it’s not with me.
Because when you have love for someone that’s as big and endless as my love is for you, I think that sometimes, you have to be selfless.
And believe me, it hurts letting go. It hurts like hell. But you know what hurts more? Holding onto you.
Because it’s never going to be the same way. It’s never going to reverse the damage. And with great love comes great pain.
It’s not that you broke my heart. It’s only that my heart still longs for you, craves you.
I know now that what we had was real, and it was honest. I know now that whatever I saw in you, I look for in everyone else.
It’s not that I’m looking to replace you, it’s just that I want to find that feeling again. And I know that you already have.
Just know that it was never in my intention to walk away from this. In fact, it was the last thing that I wanted to do. I just wanted you.
And some things never change.
It’s a given that some days are harder than others and some nights, when I know that holding on is only making me weaker, I wish that you would walk in and make it all better.
But that’s just not in the cards for us and that’s okay.
Because it would’ve been so easy to stay. To be with you, to grow with you, to never have to worry if you changed your mind, if you found someone new to love you better.
The truth is, things change for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes we stay in love and sometimes, we fall out of it as quickly as we fell.
But this, but you, it’s different.
Because it wasn’t that our hearts were different, it’s only that so much time has passed. I wish that I could undo all of the things that happened.
Sometimes, I wish that I could unlove you. But I know I can’t. So I’ll just walk away now, I’ll let you go finally. Not because I want to, but because I need to.
If it’s one thing you taught me, it’s that love is complicated. It’s never what you’d expect, never falls the way that you picture it.
But I know that someday, a long time from now, I’m going to look back on this moment and smile because I know that I did the right thing.
I’ve made it this far. Even though every step felt wrong, I know that it’s for the best.
Just know that I’ll never be able to thank you enough for loving me the way that you did. For staying through anything and everything.
And most importantly, know that some part of me will always love you. You’ll always have a part of my heart.
Even though this is me letting go, just know that in some ways, I’ll still be holding on.