Because Loving Him Lights a Fire in My Soul

“Love is a friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.” – Ann Landers

Of all the people who have come into my life, you’ll always be the one that shines the brightest. From day one you’ve been my best friend who doubles as my soulmate, even though we didn’t figure that out right away. You didn’t have to befriend this girl you didn’t know and bring me into your friend group, your family, and your heart. But I’m sure glad you did. 

Because of you, I know what true love is, and I can’t thank you enough for that.  Not a soul on this earth compares to you and everything you’ve taught me. 

When our paths first crossed, something in your heart knew it wasn’t the right time. You didn’t want to ruin our friendship when we were young by dating at the wrong time. So you pushed me to wait, and grow on my own, and learn what patience really is in life. Boy, I wish I knew then what I know now. It would have never worked then because we weren’t ready. We would’ve broken up and I would have walked away for good, never to look back on us. Thank you for teaching me to be patient. 

When I went through hard times, you made sure I knew you were only one call away. Even if we weren’t together, even if we were miles away, you never failed to pick up the phone when I needed a friend to talk to about life. You gave me a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, and a voice that brought me through the worst days. You were not only a friend, but you showed compassion and softness that I often times needed to see from a man. I strive to be exactly that for you on your darkest days, too. Thank you for teaching me to be compassionate. 

Slowly but surely, you brought me into your life. We saw each other daily and learned what it really was like to become closer to one another. You could make me smile by just looking my way and you still do. We knew each other better than anyone else in the world because you allowed me to truly let down my walls. In your arms, I felt safe to be my true self, to feel vulnerable and know full well you weren’t going anywhere. You always knew how to hold me to make the pain, worries, and stress go away in my life. Thank you for teaching me it’s okay to feel weak.

The more time we spent together, the more I realized how much I loved my life with you in it. Doing nothing with you was fun. You made me love the little things like staying in and cooking meals together and having deep talks. It’s like every second we spent together was filled with smiles and laughs. We enjoyed life and fought to be happy. Thank you for teaching me to love the little things in life.

Our love was like a fire that started way deep down. Maybe it was us being drawn together like two magnets, maybe it was a spark that couldn’t wait to ignite in our lives. To be honest I just don’t know what it is about you that makes me want you every day of my life. I love you so much even on your worst day. Being with you sets a fire deep down in my soul. A happiness that makes the smile stay on my face and a comfort when I’m in your arms that makes me feel like I’ve finally come home. Thank you for teaching me what real passion is like. 

We daydreamed about our future together, about our adventures and our future home. I knew deep in my soul that you were what I wanted for my future. Someone who would give everything and better themselves for those they love the most. The way you talked about having a child of your own and the love and passion behind your words would bring any girl to tears. Thank you for showing me what I want in life.  

You wanted me to be better. You pushed me away and it taught me something I’m not sure I would have ever learned without that push. I need to be better not only for someone else but for myself. You have always pushed me to be better, do better, and see more out of life. You opened up my eyes to what else is out there but never pushed me hard enough to break me. Thank you for making me a better person.

If one day the chaos of life becomes too heavy and we fall apart, I want you to know that you’ve changed and shaped me in ways that no one else ever could. I pray that you’ll forever be my protector, my best friend, my backbone when I feel weak. Because I’ve never had a love that makes me smile so bright before, that makes my heart so happy, and my bad days seem good. 

Since day one you’ve shown me that even though I was broken, damaged, and hurt someone could still love me through it all. You let me know that love truly can conquer all.Without you pushing me to find myself I wouldn’t be standing here shining on the coldest days. You have made me a better, more wonderful version of myself. 

Thank you for showing me what love really is. 

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Published by

J. Skubal

Small town girl writing about the things that mean the most to her. My family, friends, dogs, and horses are my life passions. Trying to figure out what my life has in store for me when it comes to the future. Excited to see where things go from here.  Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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