When suicide strikes a community, more than just the onelife is lost.
Their families’ and friends’ lives are forever changed. Thelife they once knew is now over.
Often, people are left with so many unanswered questions andthoughts. One particular one is repeated the most – “How could he/she be soselfish? Nothing can be that bad.”
The truth is, you could never know what one person is going through.While one experience may not seem that bad to you, it could be unbearable tothem.
Committing suicide takes a sense of such total loss ofcontrol, such devastation, he or she literally only sees one way out.
It is by no means an act of cowardice. You could notpossibly understand it unless you have been there.
Picture the worst possible thing that has or could everhappen to you, and then multiply it by three (for the power of depression andanxiety.
When you reach this point in your life, you’re not thinkingabout anyone else. All you can feel is your pain. While the act may seemselfish to you, he or she feels like no one would care if he or shedisappeared.
Feelings of invisibility, depression… in a way it feels likeyou are already dead.
It’s unimaginable pain… but it can get better. No one isever truly alone. There are people who care and who want to help.
Because even though it feels like it’s just you in this…when you’re gone? It leaves a hole that will never be filled in your loved ones’hearts.
Reach out. Someone is willing to listen.
You are not weak because you feel this way.
You are not broken.
You will get through this and come out stronger because ofit.
You can regain control of your life. You can have the lifeyou want. You just have to get through this part right here.
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