“Change your thoughts and you change your world.” This is a quote I read online by Norman Peale. This is a good way to look at life because if you don’t put your mind to anything you will never succeed. If you don’t think positively about things you will never be able to get to where you want to go. This is what I have done to get through my high school career. I have a lot of positive and negative times of high school.
My sophomore year I went to eAchieve Academy. This was a online school that was the same thing as high school with all of the same classes and requirements. I chose to do this because I didn’t have many friends at school my freshman year. I felt the online school would help me get done with high school. This wasn’t a good way to go. Yes, I passed all of my classes. But I didn’t attended the online live classes. This really made me confused on how to do assignments. I fell behind and didn’t do the work that had to be done each week. The deadline was at semester. This is when all of my work had to be done. I chose to do a lot of my assignments a couple weeks before the deadline. This really stressed me out. My mom and I thought it would be a better idea for me to go back to Elkhorn at semester. At this time I had a boyfriend. He was very supportive and the only way that I was able to go back. He was honestly the only person that I really talked to. Going back to school wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I had the same lunch as him and had the same study hall. I started reconnecting with a lot of my friends again. This made school a lot easier.
Then my Junior year was still good with the social part but I had a lot of other problems going on in my life with family. This made it really hard on me to keep up with school work. Next thing I know it I’m failing all classes but two.
This really put me behind on credits. My counselor at the high school brought up to me that there was this program, senior skills. I didn’t think it was good route at the time. As I talked to more people about school I felt it was good fit because I would be done earlier than others, and it was basically a guarantee that I would graduate. Yes, high school was very long and boring in ways. But, I really did enjoy some classes like PC basics. This was a college class. It pertained the basics of word, powerpoint, and excel. This was a very fast paced class. It really helped me stay on task with work. If I didn’t finish I would have to come in on my own time and make it up. Another class that I liked was graphic design. This was working with Photoshop. I worked with recreating document that were given to me. I would have to start with a blank document and use the books to help me figure out what to do. This class was very small, so this meant that there was more one on one with the teacher if I needed it. In a way, I will miss high school. What I didn’t enjoy was waking up early. Is not one of my favorite things to do. I am not a morning person. I will not miss the long nights of staying up and doing homework because I would procrastinate; and school lunches. But, on the positive side, school was short because of the lifelong friendships. All of the fun memories with all of my friends.
I will slowly move into creating my own life. My future plans are to work full time and get a nursing degree. Becoming a nurse really seems like a job that would fit me. I would like to work at Children’s Hospital. I really enjoy working with children.
Through my high school years I have gotten a lot of support from all kinds of people. My family is one, and, my friends. They have done nothing but push for me to be done with high school. They want the best for me, as does everyone. They want to see me move on to bigger and better things in my life. I can’t do that without a high school diploma. Also a thank you to my teachers. Mrs. Larwa She was always the one I could go to on a bad day and vent to. She always understood where I was coming from. I honestly, dont know how I would have been able to get through school without all of theses supportive people in my life. I probably would have been just a drop out and did nothing with my life.
Clearly I see that thoughts can change everything. Yes, I would say that it was a struggle to get where I am at today, but it definitely pays off. With this high school diploma I can achieve a lot of things. Get a part time job, go to a technical college and more! Again I could never thank the people enough that are in my life that have changed me. They have made me who I am today. I dont think I would of received a diploma if it wasn’t for them.