By All Means, Tell Me Your Life Story, I'm Dying To Hear It

Let’s get one thing straight.

If you’re passionate about life in general, helping others, creating, loving, really into the world at large then by all means, tell me all about it.

Except if you brew homemade root beer…then save that one for yourself.

My god, when did we get so conceited?

Anyone see the recent, Everyday make up tutorial? It’s a video on YouTube (And yes. It makes me cringe that she didn’t capitalize her own video.) But, shade aside, check it out. So funny and so absolutely spot on. YouTuber, Tanya Hennessy, uploaded it to her channel, and it essentially makes fun of our generation’s make-up routine.

Basically because none of us (myself included, mind you) post pictures or videos of ourselves without hours long facial and hair preparation. 

Because why bother? Unless everyone, their mother, friend, and cousin are gonna like our post?

Yeah I went there, and it’s true.

What Tanya does so brilliantly is expose how us girls do our make-up, and while we may have the best intentions at hand…we have no fucking idea what we’re doing. 

The end though of her video hits the closest to home, and that part is in which she pokes fun at online personalities who monetize on their appearance by taking ridiculous, conceited selfies of their plucked & plugged mugs.

Now, I have a confession to make. I recently went to LA. 

I know, crucify me now. 

What can I say to condone my actions? Not much I’ll grant you, but the American Dream was glowing in the back of my mind with stars shining in front, and I thought all my dreams would come true the second I stepped out of my cab. (Lyft. But, you know, I grew up on movies from the 90s. So as far as I’m concerned, it was a cab.)

I went out with my friend and stayed with two very talented Youtubers who were kind enough to allow me to stay at their home. 

They are not who I have a problem with, it was everyone else I met in LA who made my skin crawl. 

No one there asked me how I was doing today. I kid you not. Not one soul. Not even my generous hosts. 

And I had to wonder, as Carrie Bradshaw might, of this was just how LA inherently was. 

Hey, I went home and realized that these thoughts, unconsciously at first, then everyday forefront, were right at my door. 

My goodness, how people want to talk about themselves.

Whether it be LA, my hometown, or the city I currently live, all I hear about, day-in and day-out, are people’s lives. With no thoughts or consideration of my own. Or your own or for anyone else’s for that matter.  

And I’ve reached a breaking point where I cannot take it anymore.

If you’re not going to ask about my day, I will not hear yours. Get your head out-of-the mirror and learn some manners. We’re all begging you.

Conceited isn’t a lifestyle, it’s a sickness. Go see a doctor.

With love from people who don’t care anymore… XOXO.

For more of Brit Bandana’s writing, follow her on her Facebook page.

Published by

Brit Bandana

Mountain dweller and day-dreamer. Writer, jewelry-maker, and habitual mistake-maker. For more of my writing, check out my Facebook page! If you'd like to see some of my jewelry, please go to my website! Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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