Choose Happiness

Life isn’t meant to be easy. It's not supposed to stay the same, life is forever evolving and changing. It’s a constant roller coaster ups and downs, of twists and turns. It’s a journey, an uphill battle.

Stop being so hard on yourself. You’re supposed to feel pain. You’re supposed to hurt, experience loss and feel terror. 

Just take a moment; sit back. 

Think about all of the things that have shaped you into the person you are today. 

Like the feeling of absolute heart break that wisened you.

The suffering that strengthened you.

And the grief that softened you. 

Despite everything, remember that you will still grow, everyday there’s going to be another journey, another hill to climb.

Don’t dwell on all of the negative things going on in your life, or in this world. There’s going to be things and people that are going to try and hold you back in life, that’s inevitable. 

And remember that tomorrow really is a brand new day, full of new experiences, new heartbreak and new losses. 

Published by

Emily McDonald

thriving on frozen lemonade, good friends & spontaneity Twitter handle: emilymcdonaldxx Facebook URL:

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