
Choosing a Wedding Theme to Match Your Style

Finding a person to whom you will say “I do” on your wedding day is a very important step in life… but, finding a person to whom you’ll be able to say all of your “I dos” and I “don’ts” in life is inspiring. And we do hope you’ve found such a person.

Loving today

When you love, the future looks sweeter than it did yesterday or than it does today. Love is vulnerable, love is honest, love is exposed. Love is life in its raw, unspoiled form. Love is what you feel, not what you think – it’s in that cup of coffee you drink together, the way his eyes light up when he is happy or the way her apple-shaped freckle on the chin goes darker when she is sad. Love is not leaving the person you love even when things get so hard you want to jump out of your skin. It’s the little things, and the big things – joined in one word and one big concept – togetherness and the life you are about to build together.

Saying “I do”

Every wedding planning starts (or at least should start) with an overwhelming feeling of love, devotion, and admiration for the other person. When you find The One, you’ve found all the reasons to make that one extra step for the person you know is worth it. And they’ll do the same for you – because that’s companionship, and that’s love. Although the world today has grown way too cynical and bitter in respect to all things that have to do with loving, caring, being a silly romantic and devoted to your partner, we like to think that – once that one person comes along – things just fall into place and make sense. When you find a person that talks about you admiringly when you are not in the room, when you find someone who makes you feel wanted every time, all the time, you’ll know you’ve found love. And that’s when you should say your “I do” without a pinch of a doubt. 

Wedding theme choices

Not that we’re on the gender banter here but we’ll have to start by saying that wedding planning is a thing that usually girls do. Naturally, if your guy is one of those (rare) men who like to give their input into the whole wedding planning thing – even better for you! Actually, it’s even advisable that your guy has a say as, that way, your wedding won’t be just YOUR wedding but a mashup of both your desires. To pull this wedding planning off successfully and pick the right theme that will tie the whole ceremony together, we’ve brainstormed a few tips that will definitely help you out.

Where and how do you start?

If you feel like you are not a traditional couple, try to look for inspirations outside of the wedding sphere. Browse through styles and designs related to your favorite books, films, series, music, graphic art, photography or beautiful wedding themes others have already used. It’s important for this wedding theme to mean something to both of you, not just you or your future husband. After all, this is a big day and you want it to be equally exciting to both the bride and the groom. Talk to each other and agree on the theme or the direction you’d like to go in. Wherever you find your inspiration, no matter how unrelated to one another, pin it and remember it for later. There is always a way to make things cohesive later with some clever, creative wedding planning magic. 

Don’t get carried away

No matter how passionately you feel about a certain theme, try to stay focused. Exaggerating with a wedding theme can easily turn it into more of a theatre show than a beautiful, meaningful inspiration. To avoid that, we’d always advise opting for details related to the theme you choose than the copy-paste the entire theme. For instance, if you are into the roaring ‘20s and flappers, you’ll probably want something resembling the Great Gatsby vibe, right? Right. So, instead of overwhelming your venue with gigantic feather centerpieces, place a feather vase at each corner of the room or a runner of feathers down the center of the buffet table or your regular table. Don’t dress your bridesmaids in stereotypical fringe dresses; rather, use the fringe on your tablecloths, chairs, curtains or other elements. Deconstruct the elements of your chosen theme and let them allude to the theme rather than make it too exact. Avoid the ‘themey’ vibe of your theme as much as you can… unless a literate approach is your thing. After all, it’s your wedding – you can do what you like!

… Or sidetracked

Weddings are overwhelming, and choosing a theme that will tie the whole thing together maybe even be more stressful! Clients tend to get carried away and sidetracked in choosing a theme because there are simply too many things out there that could pull their attention away. So, the best advice you can get is to stop looking once you’ve found your inspiration and decided on a theme! The biggest design-related stress comes from researching the ideas even when you feel you’ve picked the right one. Really, when you feel you’ve found your wedding dress, do you really go back to the shops just in case there’s something else? Of course, you don’t! 

How to make things work together?

If your inspiration comes from various angles, the hardest process is to actually make all the different elements work as one cohesive picture. For instance, if your wedding theme is in contrast with the type of the venue you’ve chosen, it may be a bit difficult to put one and two together. So, apart from the wedding theme you’ve got in mind, it’s essential that your wedding venue goes well with your choice of theme. We’ve seen plenty of gorgeous venues all around Australia – from traditional ballrooms and restaurants to idyllic outdoor spaces, such as yards, parks, fields, beach resorts, etc. What’s actually pretty great and works to the couple’s favor is that many of these wedding venues in Sydney tend to be pretty flexible when it comes to decorations the couple would like to bring into the story. If you don’t have too much experience in decorating but do have an amazing idea and are now at the point where you know exactly what you want (and you have booked the right venue), we’d always advise consulting a wedding decorator for help. Although they do tend to be a bit expensive, it’s all worth it. However, if your budget doesn’t allow for such expenses, hire them for consultations only. Lay out a theme plan yourself – with all the ideas, photos, references, etc. (the visual are of great help) and go to them for advice on how to join all the things together. Nice save, right?

How to stay authentic and accurate?

Research! A looooot of research! Study your theme thoroughly to avoid unpleasant situations like seeing Moroccan decorative elements in an Indian wedding (yes, we’ve seen EVERYTHING)! The best way to approach the research is to pretend you’re a historian, making sure you’ve got all the facts in order. Using the wrong details in a theme you adore will only look foolish. So, double-check everything. Twice!

Final thoughts

Stay true to your theme choice and look for the best way to join things together. Never rush. Plan ahead, be consistent and focused with your ideas. Consult your hubby and a wedding planner/decorator and begin this beautiful journey today. Good luck!