Donald Trump is arguably one of the most controversial presidential candidates America has ever had. Now that controversial presidential candidate is our president elect. Immediately following his victory our nations news outlets and social media were flooded with images of complete devastation as well as excitement. However, the images of those embracing one another with tears fueled by fear and disappointment are the images that stand out in my mind. The Facebook posts regarding the rights of women and the LGBTQ community that were viciously attacked, stand out in my mind. The women who came out as sexual assault victims who fear the man entrusted to protect them and our country, stand out in my mind.
There are people in this world who believe that because their candidate won their political views and beliefs are above those who supported Hillary Clinton. The truth is they don’t.
There isn’t a single person who wasn’t affected by this election, emotionally or otherwise. Those individuals who are scared for their rights have every right to feel the way they feel. If you feel as though you can make a viable argument against that statement you weren’t paying attention this election. For anyone to feel they have the right to attack others based on their emotions after such a tumultuous election needs to understand one thing, others emotions aren’t hurting you, but your vote hurt them.
My vote and political beliefs are not a guiding force in this article. See the thing is people seem to lack the ability to keep an open mind and see the bigger picture. Just because you are unaffected by an issue does not mean that everyone is unaffected by that issues. Our nation is a nation divide right now. Divide by hate, divide by opinion, divide by beliefs. Attacking one another simply because you have a difference in opinion or political belief only strengthens that divide.
Try having empathy for those who feel let down by our democracy. Take a second and try to view this election from their perspective. Instead of telling them their fears are irrational, how about ensuring them that you stand with them and will support their basic human rights. With so much hate in the world it wouldn’t hurt anyone to spread a little love and understanding.
United we stand, divided we fall.