Anyone ever wonder how to order at Starbucks? I’ve got some tips for you.
Your Ordering Order
- Start with the cup size: Short, Tall, Grande, Venti, and Trenta (in order of smallest to largest).
- We only put espresso shots in the Short size which only comes as a Hot cup (the white cardboard ones), so sorry no Short sized Frappucinos.
- You can order anything in a Tall, Grande, or Venti, which come as Hot and Iced cups.
- Now our Trenta size only comes as an Iced Cup (the clear plastic ones), and they are only for iced coffees and iced teas, so sorry, no Trenta sized Frappucinos.
- Now say the type of drink: Example: Cappuccino, Latte, White Chocolate Mocha, Java Chip Frappuccino, Caramel Macchiato, etc.
- Begin your specifications: With soy, 3 pumps hazelnut, dry, triple shot, add mocha drizzle, no whip, no foam, light ice, and extra caramel etc.
You can usually switch the order of 2 and 3 and say something like “I’d like a grande triple nonfat vanilla latte.” if you wanna get super cool about it.
Secret Menu
We actually don’t have a secret menu. -gasp- The stuff you see online about a Captain Crunch Frappuccino and the Mojito Refresher are just recipes. If you come in and ask for a Shirley Temple, you better have the recipe for us or we’ll have no idea what to do. At Starbucks, we’re all about personalization. You can get anything you want as long as we have it. Want some Peppermint Syrup in your coffee? K. Want extra extra whip cream on your mocha? K. Want some Peach Syrup in your Espresso? K. Ew, but k. So if you come in and ask for an Apple Pie Frappuccino, make sure you say “I’d like a venti Apple Pie Frappuccino, so apple juice to the bottom line, 4 pumps of cinnamon dolce, frappuccino creme base, whip creme blended in, with caramel drizzle on top.”
Got any questions? I’d love to answer them so leave a comment and I’ll be sure to answer a few in my next article. Thanks, have a good one!