
Dear Teachers, I Am Truly Grateful.

Thank you for everything.

As a junior in high school, I have had many teachers throughout the years. Over 45 teachers have helped make me who I am today. Without all of the teachers, I wouldn't be as confident and most definitely would probably not like school even though no one really enjoys school a whole lot. 

Here is a little thank you to all the teachers I have had so far. 

Thank you for helping me learn basic numbers and the alphabet.

Thank you for teaching me manners and reminding me to say "may I" instead of "can I" I still get tripped up and say can…somethings just don't change. 

Thank you for your sarcasm and jokes in class to lighten things up a little if someone was feeling down. We needed that Some days and appreciated it more than you know.

Thank you for being there for me to talk to when my friends wouldn't  listen or I just didn't want to tell them.

Thank you for giving me the strength and courage to get up in front of a full football stadium and direct a 100+ person band. 

Thank you for everything you do for your students. Some really do not understand how much time and effort it takes to do what you do.