Depression, Nobody Wants To Talk About It


The silent killer nobody wants to talk about it, nobody wants to admit they have it. But for some of us it’s not a choice.

You don’t get to pick if you have depression or not, just like you don’t get to pick if you have cancer or not. Depression doesn’t know boundaries, it doesn’t know race, age, or gender.

Living with depression and suicidal thoughts is not something we like to brag about. You don’t get to pick your good or bad days. One day you can be totally normal and the next you can be in hell.

Some people can go through their whole lives living with depression, some won’t make it another day.

Many people see depression as something you can get over. “Go do something to get your mind off it.” “Go hang out with friends, it will make you feel better.” “You’re overreacting.” We hear these things on the daily, people that have never been through depression don’t understand the impact it has on our everyday lives.

You may lose friends because all you ever want to do is sit at home by yourself. Never feeling like doing anything because you never feel good enough to get out of bed, shower, look at yourself in the mirror, and get ready for the day.

You may feel weak, but to go through this is what makes us strong. Depression doesn’t define me. I am strong, but my mind is weak.

Published by

Quynn Tara Langager

I love writing about pretty much anything and everything!  Twitter handle: Facebook URL:

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