
Does It Make You Feel Good To Know You Hurt Me, Again?

How is it possible to want someone gone, yet still want them? How the hell do you still have this hold on me? Why do I care still?

Why did you have to message me and tell me you’re in love with another girl? How is it even possible to be in love with someone else, when we were together last week?

I was finally just starting to heal and learn to live without you. Why can’t you ever just give me the time I need to heal? I was picturing a life without you because you knew we couldn’t be together (at least not now) and the hate I felt from the things you did/said empowered me and helped me grieve the loss of a future we were supposed to have and try to move on.

It’s not easy letting go of the future you wanted.

Did it feel good to let me know you’re in love with someone else? Did it feel good to hurt me?

Does it feel good knowing that I still love you, but you don’t love me? You replaced me. In less than a week. How does it feel to know that you one-upped me? You got the last laugh.

I hope it makes you happy.

You don’t love me. I don’t think you ever did. 

You thought I didn’t care. You thought your words didn’t matter to me.

I thought (and secretly hoped) that you would send you a message with “I lied about her, just to get your attention.”

Silence. Nothing but silence.

 “I waited and waited. For minutes. For hours. For days. But all I had was silence, and with the absence of your words, I took it as your answer.”

I have your answer.