
Don't Flake on Her, Because You Lose Her When You Don't Choose Her

Getting a girl to fall in love with you isn’t that hard. But making sure she stays in love with you, that’s a different story.

You may think everything is perfect. But how do you know for sure?

You may be losing her without even realizing it. Before you know it, she’s gone and you’re left wondering what went wrong.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. If you’re doing any of these things, it’s time to get your act together. Because this is how you lose her:

You lose her when you stop trying.

Too many people think they can just roll over once they’ve settled down. They take it for granted that the other person will stay no matter what, and they get lazy.

If you stop putting in the effort, then you make her feel like she’s no longer worth it. Don’t stop doing all the little things that made her love you in the first place.

Never stop dating her or trying to win her over. It’s the best way to keep her heart.

You lose her when you ignore her.  

It hurts her when you stop giving her your undivided attention. Maybe you’ve stopped listening to her or showing interest in what she has to say.

You can’t remember anything she tells you because you’re too busy multitasking while she’s talking. She feels like you don’t care anymore.

You lose her when you don’t give her all of you. 

She knows if you’re holding back or keeping a part of yourself hidden. If she’s given herself up to you completely, it’s safe to say she wants the same in return.

If she feels that you’re not giving her 100%, she will start to feel vulnerable. She’ll walk away if only to protect her own heart.

You lose her when you don’t choose her. 

She doesn’t want to feel like a second choice. If you start blowing her off or making her feel like she isn’t a priority, she’ll feel hurt and rejected.  

She’ll find someone else who will always put her first.

You lose her when you don’t talk to her.

Open communication is key. Let her know you’re thinking about her, and make sure you stay in touch. If you’re making plans, let her know. Include her in your every day.

Don’t make her feel like you’d rather be on your own.  Let her know you value being with her, and you wouldn’t want anything else.

Lastly, never start to take her for granted, and never assume she knows what you’re feeling or thinking.

If this sounds like you, she may already be slipping away.  Change your ways, or you may lose her forever.

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