
Don’t Get Butthurt Just Because My BF Wants to Spend Time With Me

Saying your friend is “pussy-whipped” for wanting to spend time with his partner is complete and utter bullshit. 

And if insulting him and his quality of friendship isn’t enough, you turn to the woman and make her out to be some evil queen.

I am not controlling and he is not whipped. We are simply two adults in a relationship trying to grow up and improve our lives.

Yes, that means sometimes he skips “guy night” and yes, sometimes that means spending more time home with me than going out with you. 

He is not choosing me over friends to hurt you. Nor is it being done because I’m forcing that decision upon him.

When a man chooses to be with his girlfriend/fiancé/wife over hanging out with friends, why is it looked down on by the guys?

You all say you want a relationship like ours yet when he does loving things like promise time with me and our families, you make him feel as though he isn’t a good enough friend?

Since when is it wrong for a man to desire to spend more time with his partner, planning a better future for them, rather than drinking and getting wasted every weekend?

Stop trying to put blame on him or me, stop getting mad that you “never” see him and decide to grow up with us.

There’s no reason why he can’t do both, he can go and hang out with you, but he can also stay home and spend time with me.

It is his decision, his choice and neither you or I should make him feel bad about doing one or the other.

Since he is your friend, shouldn’t you want him to be happy? Don’t you care about him enough to accept that his happiness isn’t only derived from hanging out with you?

As his friends, you should want him to be in a happy relationship and have the freedom to spend time with you as well as spend time with his other half.

Alright, enough beating around the bush. What I’m trying to say here is, fuck you.