"Some people are so poor all they have is money," unknown.
Standing in a sea of dancing girls in bandanas, button up shirts, and cowgirl boots belting the lyrics to a Hunter Hayes song as he stood on stage playing his guitar, I couldn't help but notice the couple in front of me. Her entire outfit costs more than my entire car. I wasn't judging, simply admiring.
She had it all. If I would have not known better, I would have called her perfect. She had amazing hair that I could only dream of getting to look the way hers did, her outfit looked like it came out of vogue, and her body was like a Victoria Secret Angel escaped the runway.
Yet, she did not seem happy.
Her boyfriend was just as perfect. Shiny hair slicked back with expensive gel, his loafers looked out of place in the world of cowboy boot attire, and his khaki shorts were perfectly ironed for the evening. They were beautiful looking.
Out of all the sweaty, jumping people they stood out like a sore thumb. They didn't really look like they belonged here, but I still wasn't judging.
She looked over at me as I admired their perfect everything, and I could feel the judgement raining down on me.
I wore my dress with my cowgirl boots, and my hair was slightly a mess from the heat of the state fair. I was a bit sweaty, but who could blame me? It was in the high 90's after all. Yet she kept on glaring at me, even when I wasn't looking.
I knew that part of it was that my $20 outfit and crazy hair was no match for her giant Gucci bag and gorgeous runway hair.
It's like they were Gods, the way they acted about themselves was like they were the only people in a jungle of monkeys.
Her judging eyes didn't make me uncomfortable, actually it made me feel sad for her.
She grew up thinking that you have to have the best of the best, and unfortunately in a world as poor in money in so many areas, that isn't how we live. Her attitude made her look unhappy, depressed, and like a major b*tch. I wouldn't want to talk to her.
Not sure anyone would if she crossed their path, they would probably roll their eyes and go the opposite way.
She had everything that I didn't have except, she didn't have a heart.
I saw the way she looked everyone around her up and down. Our Target purses were trash compared to her $1000 handbag and her sparkling Tiffany bracelet. I know she was probably thinking she felt bad for me, but I couldn't feel more sorry for her.
We are all human, and if it takes a Gucci handbag to hide your sh*tty personality, than you are the one with the issue, and you're the one I will feel sorry for. You have been sheltered from the way life really is; a place to accept everyone without judgement, judging eyes, and a judging personality.
Just because your bag is beautiful and you look stunning, doesn't mean I'm jealous of you, envious of your closet, and less than you because you can afford a bag that's worth more than my entire wardrobe.