Let’s get one thing clear. Just because I’m sarcastic and give you shit back, doesn’t make me a bitch. It’s not my fault you’re being a crybaby and take everything so literal and to offense.
When did the world population become so soft and sensitive? When did it became a “thing” to literally get butt hurt over EVERYTHING? And when did everyone start taking everything so serious and to heart?
What happened to being able to joke around and banter back and forth good naturedly? I don’t get why I can’t say something in a joking manner without it turning into me suddenly being a bitch.
I never say anything to be insensitive or intentionally offensive. I joke around, I say things that are funny and laugh worthy, but then people just get so offended, thinking I’m personally attacking them.
But in all reality, I’m just challenging them to be sarcastic and witty with me. How is that a bad thing? Now it’s a horrible thing to be witty and sarcastic? To not always be serious? But that makes me a heartless bitch?
Sorry not sorry for being silly, for having a creative mindset. Sorry not sorry for not taking everything in life, including myself, so damn serious.
And don’t get me started on the jerks who call sarcastic women ‘assholes’ because we’re honest and unfiltered. Don’t ask our opinion if you don’t want or can’t handle the truth dude.
Stop calling me a bitch because I speak my mind or because I say something off the wall that you consider “unladylike” just because you don’t understand it, or me. I’m not a bitch because I’m blunt, sarcastic, and feisty.
Stop being so negative and judgmental. And stop looking down on me, thinking you’re better than me because I’m not like you. Stop hating on me because I’m joking around with sarcastic remarks.
Quit getting offended because I’m not another closed minded sensitive baby back bitch. It’s not my fault or my problem you can’t handle someone stimulating your mind and making you stop and think.
It’s not my fault you’re too big of a little bitch to handle my personality.