Today, I would like to call out a young gentleman that I thought was worthy of my love and care instead he showed me how ignorance is the most idiotic and egocentric way to live.
I was voicing my opinions through rage and cussing because he does not understand the hardships of those who are actually poor to those who have a stable and grateful home to live in.
I was shocked and totally pissed off.
I went off on him because I am passionate in what I believe in and that is why equality for both men and women is important. Feminism and equality go hand in hand because we are looking at both two different perspectives, one from the poor and one from the rich.
I am sick and tired of people forgetting what feminism and equality really is.
YOU are the one that is not educated enough to really understand the world and the culture around us.
I am passionate and I will continue to voice my facts instead of opinions.
I will be a natural born leader who is truly SELFLESS.
You know what he said? He said I was craving for attention… that’s ignorance.
He is living in a world where he does understand the true meaning of WOMEN EMPOWERMENT.
If I was craving for attention, I would be using my voice to not project what I am passionate about; however, this young gentleman gave me ignorance.
That is not how you should live.
You should live with RESPECT AND DIGNITY for everyone and to listen to a person’s story to truly understand what life has to offer us.
I am beyond heated right now.
I will literally give you the FACTS instead of the OPINIONS to voice my reasons as to why fiercely independent women are important in the workplace.
I am literally sick and tired of the hatred, jealousy, and envy of those around us.
If you want to change the world, then be SELFLESS and learn to actually volunteer, voice your opinions, and be a natural born leader to do good in the world.
I am not SELFISH. I am simply doing what I want to do because I am PASSIONATE about the work I want to do.
Doing service is not supposed to make you feel about yourself.
You are supposed to do it because it is the right thing to do.